"Sister, don't worry about these things, I'll take care of them." Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong never thought of asking his sister to pay back the money.

This time, Ye Rongrong was willing to do a loss-making business, and he never thought about his sister returning his money.

"How can I do that? My brother will settle the account clearly. My sister must pay back the money I owe you."

Ye Xiaoqin shook her head and said.

After all, this is no longer the siblings who did not have a family when they were young. Now they each have their own families. The matter of money and things must be calculated clearly, otherwise it will easily cause the siblings to be unable to do it in the future.

You need to know how many brothers and sisters have turned against each other because of money matters, and have never communicated with each other until death.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you, I think this one is good, so I'll just rent it here."

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is still very satisfied with the store that Fang Bolin found. As for the rent is a bit expensive, for Ye Rongrong, there is really no pressure at all.

Unlike many wealthy people in China, Ye Rongrong has a personal deposit of hundreds of millions and has never borrowed any money. He is a pure billionaire.

Unlike many entrepreneurs in China, who say they have hundreds of millions of assets, they are actually bank money. Once the bank stops lending to him or calls for his money, he will become pauper every second.

Now that I decided to rent this store, I immediately contacted the owner of the store, because although this "how beautiful" is subletting, it is still open, but there is no business.

The waiter in the store called their boss, and soon a middle-aged woman came.

"Hello, I am the owner of this 'How Beautiful' store. My surname is Qian. Are you sure you want to rent this store?"

The middle-aged woman came over and shook hands with Ye Rongrong and the others before asking.

"Yes, as long as the price is right, we will rent it."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong didn't decide whether to rent it or not, he just said that it depends on the rent, and if the rent is suitable, he will rent it.

It's just a way of negotiating,

In fact, Ye Rongrong has already decided in his heart that he wants to rent this storefront.

"I signed a five-year lease for this store, and the annual rent is 800,000 yuan. It's just that I've rented it for half a year, and a KFC opened opposite. This business has been greatly affected, so I think Sublease this shop."

"I'll give you the sublease fee at a lower price. There are still four and a half years left. If you count it as four years, you still pay me 800,000 yuan a year. Look at it like this."

The middle-aged woman said.

Now the middle-aged woman does not expect to make money from subletting, but wants to sell it quickly.

After all, it was rented out one day later, and several thousand rents had to be paid in the last day, which is not counting the cost of maintaining this "how beautiful".

If it is delayed for one day, the loss of one day is almost tens of thousands, so the middle-aged woman is also eager to rent out the store, but such a large store, the rental fee is so high, it is not easy to sublet it out.

Finally, a person willing to rent came, and the middle-aged woman would not dare to raise the price. If she scares the person away, the next person who is willing to rent this store will not know when it will be.

If you stay in your hands for one more day, you will have to bear the loss for one more day. This is all money!

"Yes, but you can't take away the things in this store, and leave them to us for free."

Ye Rongrong said.

This store has just been renovated for less than half a year, and the seats and facilities inside are all brand new, so there is no need to find the National People's Congress for renovation.

Just find someone to remodel the kitchen a little bit, and then find an advertising company to change the walls and put in new signs, and the business can be opened immediately.

If it is fast, it can be done in three or four days, if it is slow, it will only take a week.


The middle-aged woman said cheerfully.

Anyway, these things are useless to middle-aged women. If they really hold them, they can only be bought as old things, and they are not worth a lot of money.

"When will we sign the contract?"

Middle-aged women are more concerned about this issue.

"It's fine now." Ye Rongrong said.

Now that the decision has been made, Ye Rongrong doesn't want to procrastinate.

"I'll call the landlord right now."

The middle-aged woman said.

In the case of subletting, the landlord must be notified, and the landlord must agree to sign the contract.

"Brother, isn't this too much money!"

Seeing the middle-aged woman on the phone, Ye Xiaoqin said to Ye Rongrong anxiously.

Now that she has to pay so much rent, if she loses money, Ye Xiaoqin is afraid that she will not be able to pay back so much money.

"The location is good, and it's worth the price." Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong is more confident than Ye Xiaoqin, thinking that he will definitely make money, so he is not worried at all.

This also shows that Ye Rongrong has a lot of money. If he only needs so much money and puts all of it on the rent of this store, he will not be so calm.

He will definitely be like Ye Xiaoqin, worrying about gains and losses, afraid of what to do if he loses money.

Not long after the middle-aged woman made the phone call, an old man in his sixties came over with a real estate certificate.

After everything was confirmed, Ye Rongrong signed a sublet contract with the middle-aged woman. In order to avoid future problems, Ye Rongrong called a lawyer over.

This lawyer is the consultant lawyer of the "Qingyao Foundation". His name is Li Dongsheng. He is a very caring young lawyer.

He took the initiative to find the "Qingyao Foundation" and wanted to provide free legal support to the foundation, so he was hired as a consultant.

Soon the sublease contract was signed, and with the presence of a lawyer, the contract was naturally more standardized.

After the contract was signed, Ye Glory directly transferred the two-year rent to the middle-aged woman with a mobile phone. According to the contract, the rent should be paid in two installments.

"I will notify the people here to evacuate today, and this store will be completely handed over to you starting tomorrow."

After receiving the text message from the bank, the middle-aged woman said to Ye Rongrong.

Anyway, all the things here are given to Ye Rongrong. As long as the middle-aged woman settles the wages of the staff working here and dismisses them, her work will be completed.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

After the middle-aged woman left, Ye Rongrong said to his sister: "Sister, tomorrow I will find an advertising company to design some patterns on the wall, and then find someone to remodel the kitchen, and we can start business."

After the middle-aged woman and the others left, Ye Rongrong said to his sister.

"Well, I haven't set up this bento shop before, I really don't know how to do it well."

Ye Xiaoqin said with some embarrassment.

Having worked in a factory all her life, Ye Xiaoqin didn't know how to open a fashionable "bento shop" all of a sudden.

"This is simple, just ask someone else to do it."

Ye Rongrong said.

The current society is different from the past. Now as long as you have money, things are very simple. Ye Rongrong doesn’t know how to decorate this bento shop, but you can spend money to hire someone who understands to decorate it. As long as you give money, everything is easy. .

"Who can I find?"

They have been married for almost twenty years. Ye Xiaoqin basically doesn't know many people in her hometown. Except for the elders in the village and her peers, the younger generation don't know Ye Xiaoqin anymore.

"Linlin, I will leave the decoration to you."

Ye Rongrong said to his assistant.

Ye Rongrong would definitely not worry about such specific matters by himself. Now that he has an assistant, Ye Rongrong is used to leaving these trivial matters to her.


Fang Bolin nodded in response.

Fang Bolin's position is Ye Rongrong's assistant, and Fang Bolin also has to deal with Ye Rongrong's trivial matters.

"Sister Xiaoqin, have you decided on the name of the store?" Fang Bolin asked.

This store needs to be renovated and remodeled. You must know the name of the store. If you don't let it, you can't make a sign.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll discuss it with my family at night."

Ye Xiaoqin said with some embarrassment.


Fang Bolin nodded and said.

At this time, a young waitress came over, she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was quite handsome.

"Are you the new owners of this store?"

The waitress blushed slightly, looked at Ye Rongrong and they asked.

"Yes! Are you okay?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the young and delicate waitress and asked.

"Do you want to hire a waiter?"

asked the handsome waitress.

After all, the store was about to close, and everyone had to look for jobs again, so this handsome waitress wanted to come over and ask if they could hire a waiter.

"Recruitment, we need to recruit two or three people."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Great, can I?"

The delicate waitress looked at Ye Rongrong boldly and asked.

For the waitress who came out to work after graduating from junior high school, she has no skills, and there are not many jobs for them to choose, so this waitress still wants to stay here as a waiter.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Ye Rongrong thinks this delicate waitress is very nice.

At the very least, the appearance is sweet and delicate, pretty, and young.

It's not that Ye Rongrong has any thoughts about her, but in Ye Rongrong's opinion, opening a restaurant and finding young and beautiful waitresses is also very beneficial to the business of the store.

What does it mean to be beautiful and delicious? It means that looking at a beautiful girl will improve your appetite for food.

It's like eating in a restaurant, and the waitresses next to you are all young and beautiful girls, and your food tastes good too.

But once the waitress next to you looks ugly, you will lose your appetite for food.

Ye Rongrong remembered that when he went out to work with the villagers, he saw a very beautiful waitress in a cold drink shop, and he went there at least three times a day, and sometimes, he drank several cups of cold drinks at a time.

It's not that Ye Rongrong likes to drink cold drinks, but because the waitress is beautiful, Ye Rongrong likes to look more often, it's as simple as that.

But it's as simple as that, Ye Rongrong spends twenty or thirty yuan on just drinking this cold drink every day.

Not only Ye Rongrong, many men came to this store to drink drinks, just to see this beautiful waitress, but unfortunately the waitress didn't work there later, Ye Rongrong stopped patronizing.

Just kidding, a cup of cold drink costs three or five yuan, and Ye Rongrong is reluctant to drink cold drinks without seeing beautiful women.

Thinking about it now, when I was young, I was quite cute!

Halo, Ye Rongrong suddenly realized that he doesn't seem to be old now! (To be continued.)

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