: Sweet Rice Hotel

Karma could sense Syndra’s location, and she took Lothar and Akali all the way north.

This made Lothar feel a little more confident in Karma’s power. When he was in Felor, he did see that Syndra’s air fortress was drifting northward, and Karma knew where to go without even asking. gone.

Although many people in the company changed at once, but Luosha didn’t leave, Akali felt that she could return to the Balance Sect later.

“So when a girl grows up, her chest and butt will become very bulging, right?” Akali took Lothar’s hand, and with the other hand, he swung a branch of a ghost camphor tree, driving away the stinging things in the forest Mischievous bug, “I thought I wouldn’t be like that, it’s so cumbersome to grow so big, how can I not grow?”

Karma walked slowly beside the two. In order not to attract attention, she changed her monastic robe and concealed the double dragon jade ring behind her back. Although she was only wearing a plain white cloak, she still couldn’t hide her graceful figure. , looks very pleasing to the eye: “The growth of a girl’s breasts and buttocks is a natural law, and it is an organ for the healthy growth of offspring, not an unnecessary burden.”

Lothar felt that this woman, Karma, was really different.

Usually, if he talks about men and women with Akali, Sirik always comes out with a dark face and tells him to stop, and Lothar is not stupid. He gradually understands that Ionia is relatively conservative about such things. It is true that when Lothar was walking on the streets of Ionia, she rarely saw a woman with particularly revealing clothes.

But Karma doesn’t seem to have such concerns. She always explains carefully and patiently any questions Akali asks, and even tells Akali some fables.

“Will the man’s dragon grow bigger and bigger?” Akali was thirsty for knowledge, and no one in the sect would talk to her about it.

Karma smiled, without any embarrassment on her face: “Yes, just like a bird will grow very beautiful feathers to attract lovers when spring comes. No matter men or women, these growths and changes are for the sake of making loved ones like them Own.”

“So it’s like this…” Akali felt that she had opened the door to a new world. She used to think that the more muscular a man was, the more attractive he would be. She didn’t expect that there were so many ways.

“Ah, Butterfly!” Akali was still learning the knowledge of youth just now, but a colorful butterfly flying past her eyes immediately attracted her full attention, and she let go of Lothar’s hand and ran to chase it.

“I didn’t expect the honorable Karma to tell the little girl these things.” Lothar said.

“I feel strange”

“A little bit. I thought Ionians were very conservative. It seems that I misunderstood.”

“You have not misunderstood.” Karma raised her head, her emerald eyes reflecting the mottled sunlight through the leaves, “Ionia has always been a very conservative place, we are self-sufficient, we do not communicate with the outside worldIn general, we are each satisfied with our own little corner of happiness, and we have always been belatedly aware of it. ”

Lothar looked at Karma strangely. This woman should be one of the most respected people in Ionia, but she doesn’t seem to agree with Ionia’s traditions very much.

“Oh, you are not from Ionia, maybe I shouldn’t tell you so much.” Karma smiled slightly, “Ionia is a place with many rules, and it is very important to follow the rules. Too many outrageous things like the Ionians.”

“for example?”

Karma pointed to Akali, who was bouncing in front of her: “Abducting other people’s children, if you are caught, you will be punished by mutilation.”

“Didn’t you see that I persuaded her to go back quickly?” Lothar smiled wryly, “What can I do if she won’t go back?”

“You don’t have to be nervous.” Karma stretched out her hand and lifted it forward. The butterfly that had been avoiding Akali landed on the little girl’s fingertips, and Akali exclaimed happily.

Karma smiled and looked at Akali: “She is a child of the Kinkou Sect, do you know the Kinkou Sect?”

“I heard it from Karan, but I don’t understand it.” Lothar really doesn’t know what the Kinkou Sect is, and the book Swain gave him didn’t specifically explain it. He only knows that Ionia has quite a lot of martial arts and magic Therefore, many families, monasteries and sects were born.

“It’s okay if you don’t know, but you probably don’t have much chance to get in touch with them.” Karma said, “Most of the time, the Kinkou sect is hidden from the world. I have practiced hard in seclusion in the sect.”

“No wonder she doesn’t want to go back…” Lothar was thoughtful. With Akali’s fun-loving personality, it would be worse than death for her if she couldn’t retreat.

“Karan said that Akali should be protected by her elders.” Lothar asked, “Why hasn’t anyone come to pick her up after so long? The Kinkou sect won’t forget her, right?”

“You don’t have to worry about that.” Karma looked to the side of the forest, her eyes seemed to see through layers of dense forest, and saw a more distant place, “Akali is safe, otherwise I would not agree with her and us Let’s find Syndra together.”

Section 120

Lothar wanted to ask a few more questions, but he heard Akali shouting loudly from the front: “Luosha! Your lord! There is a sweet rice shop ahead! Let’s take a rest!”

“Sweet rice wine? I haven’t had it for a long time.” A bright smile like a young girl’s suddenly appeared on Karma’s face. Lothar was taken aback. He had never seen Karma smile so happily.

The Sweet Rice Hotel is not small. It seems that a family hired a carpenter to build a wooden house here, specially for passers-by to rest their feet.

“Boss, Boss! Three bowls of sweet rice wine!” Akali ran into the shop excitedly, “Do you have any snacks? I want to buy them too!”

Lothar and Karma followed into the store, and the old shopkeeper looked at Akali with a smile, and liked this energetic little girl very much: “Little doll, we also have sweet-scented osmanthus cake, longan jelly and snow sugar figurine here. Do you want your mom and dad to buy it for you? It’s cheaper for grandpa to buy it for you.”

Lothar was taken aback for a moment, realizing that the old man had misunderstood them as a family.

He looked at Karma, who still had a peaceful smile on her face, and did not explain aloud.

Akali’s big black eyes rolled, and she definitely couldn’t let it go if she could take advantage of it: “Three of those three! I’ll eat with my mom and dad!”

When the three of them were seated, Lothar knocked on Akali’s little head angrily: “Why did you misrecognize your parents?”

“It’s an idiot not to take advantage of the advantages.” Akali said dissatisfiedly, “We save money, and the elderly are also happy. It’s okay to misunderstand.”

“Why didn’t you ask His Majesty’s opinion?” Lothar turned to look at Karma, and found that she had already started drinking sweet rice wine.

Karma held the bowl in both hands, narrowed her eyes happily, and drank the sweet rice wine for the whole night in one gulp, letting out a sigh of relief.

Lothar and Akali looked at each other.

“What’s wrong?” Karma licked the rice grains stuck to her lips, and looked at the two who were looking at her with strange eyes, “Is there something on my face?”

“I always feel…you are so different from the Venerable I imagined…” Akali grabbed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and took a bite.

Karma tilted her head: “What’s different?”

“I feel that the Venerable should be more majestic.” Akali gestured with her hand, “That’s the kind, very domineering feeling.”

“I don’t have the arrogance you mentioned?” Karma asked.

Akali shook her head.

Lothar also felt that Karma, as the supreme being of Ionia, was indeed a bit too easy-going.

Unlike a certain Noxus old man who likes to pretend, Karma is really very peaceful in Lothar’s eyes. Even the magic fluctuations on her body are so calm that it is difficult to detect.

Without the double dragon jade ring behind her, Karma seemed to be a simple and ordinary girl.

“That’s really embarrassing to disappoint you.” Karma smiled and patted Akali’s head, then raised her hand to signal the shopkeeper to refill her a bowl of sweet rice wine.

The sweet rice wine was served, and Karma happily took it with both hands, as if she really liked this dessert.

Lothar also took a sip. The taste of the wine was very light, but the taste of sweetness and rice was very strong. It was really suitable for children to drink. Akali had already slurped down several bowls.

There was a sudden noisy sound outside the store.

More than a dozen masked men and women broke into the store. The weapons they held were very simple. More than half of them used farm tools. There was even aThe man only mentioned a kitchen knife.

“I didn’t expect there to be a shop in this wilderness.” The leader let out a big laugh.

“What do you want to do!” The old shopkeeper ran in front of them, and his family members also came to the front hall from the back kitchen upstairs, their eyes full of fear.

The leader of “What?” sneered, “We are the Navoli Brotherhood! A great brotherhood that resists the atrocities of Noxus!”

“There are no Noxians here, please go back.” The old man trembled.

“Old man, we are here to collect the sword refining tax.” The leader grabbed the old man by the collar, “We need money to build an army and cast soldiers. If you are an Ionian, please honestly raise money for us. Defend Ionia.”

“We don’t have any money!” The old man’s sons and daughters stood up, but they were immediately pushed down by the fraternity members and pinned to the ground.

“You bastards!” The leader spat at the old man’s sons and daughters, “Everyone is a young man with hands and feet. When Ionia is in crisis, don’t join the brotherhood to fight for the first land, just Knowing that in this kind of place, you can barely survive, and only charging you the sword refining tax is cheap for you!”

Akali put down the bowl angrily, and wanted to stand up, but was held down by Lothar.

“What are you doing! I’m going to beat them up!” Akali said angrily.

Lothar didn’t speak.

Akali was startled. She followed Lothar’s line of sight and saw Karma sitting across the table.

The Ionian venerable sat in his original position, motionless.

She still had a peaceful smile on her face, as if everything that happened around her had nothing to do with her.


The Ionian people love peace by nature, and harmonious coexistence with everything is the root of their culture.

After the Noxus war of aggression, large areas of Ionia were devastated due to the lack of an organized army and a sense of resistance. Rebel groups such as the Brotherhood of Navoli also began to rise, and became one of the main forces against Noxus during the war.

After the army led by Jericho Swain, the leader of the Noxus Legion, was defeated in the Battle of Presidium, Noxus temporarily stopped continuing its expedition to Ionia. The area remains occupied by garrisons.

The Noxus army withdrew, but the Navoli Brotherhood did not disband. They began door-to-door to collect troops and collect taxes, hoping to form an army that could fight against Noxus’ re-invasion in the future.

However, their methods of conscription and taxation are very tough, and the Navoli Brotherhood has always lacked a clear leader. It has gradually changed from a rebellious organization to a chaotic existence of half militia and half bandits, which has continued to this day. Did a lot of damage.

——Excerpt from “Ionian Travels

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