Blood Oath in Robe

As soon as Sejuani said this, the tribesmen at the banquet all exclaimed.

If Sejuani really wants Ashe to be herThe robed sisters mean that Ashe is no longer an outsider to Winter’s Claw, but a companion forever bound to Sejuani and Winter’s Claw.

Not to mention the others, even Ashe was startled by Sejuani’s sudden declaration of sisterhood. She could only open her mouth and look at Sejuani’s determined face in astonishment.

Only Lothar rolled his eyes, with a look of “I knew it”.

The Frost Priests began to condense pitch-black magic in their hands, and angrily shouted at Sejuani: “You are bewitched!”

“You don’t need to judge!” Sejuani pointed the wide-bladed blade at [resources’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 5,,8 “5.; 6 Priests.

“What happened to be so noisy!” A rough roar resounded throughout the banquet.

It’s Kuojiya, and behind her are several iceborn warriors.

“War mother Kuojiya.” The Frost Priests dispelled the magic and saluted Koujiya.

Sejuani let out a “tsk”, and retracted her weapon in displeasure.

Koujiya scanned the audience, stayed on Sejuani’s face for a while, and said, “Priests, stay away from my daughter, she is not under your control.”

“Yes…” The Frost Priests retreated respectfully.

“And you, Sejuani, you are too courageous, always like this.” Kuojiya sharply accused, but Sejuani still looked dismissive, “Tonight is not a day for the ceremony, do you want to The matter of being a robe with this foreign girl has to be discussed again.”

“Don’t worry about it!” Sejuani retorted.

Kuo Jiya was unmoved, and said loudly: “Tonight is the day of the banquet! Although there is not much to eat, there is enough honey wine! Everyone just drink it! I will come back tomorrow morning to decide what to do with these two outsiders!”

After finishing speaking, without leaving any chance for anyone to object, Kokiya turned around and led the people away.

“It’s really a casual war mother.” Lothar thought to himself.

Because of the intervention of Koujiya, the conflict between the Frost Priest and Sejuani was temporarily put on hold.

After the banquet, under the gloomy watch of the priests, Sejuani brought Ashe and Lothar to the outskirts of the Winter’s Claw tribe.

“Why do you have three frost priests in your tribe?” Ashe asked Sejuani while leaving Winter’s Claw, “Isn’t your mother afraid?”

Sejuani sneered: “Huh… what is she afraid of, she wants to stay in the arms of the man she likes more than sitting on the throne of the war mother. If her grandmother died, she would never come back. In the tribe She doesn’t do anything when many people are hungry or cold, I think even if the priests tell everyone to give up Serilda and convert to Lissandra, she won’t bother to bother.”

The three of them walked outside the tribe together, and a group of Sejuani’s subordinates were already waiting by the campfire.

Lothar glanced at it. No one had a true ice weapon. It seemed that Sejuani’s influence couldn’t affect the adult ice blood in Winter’s Claw.

“Compatriots!” Sejuani pushed Ashe towards the crowd, “This is Ashe! The ice blood of the Avarosa tribe! The daughter of Warmother Glenna! You can use the True Ice Weapon! Tonight She will win with us!”

Sejuani’s words boosted morale a little. Ashe was a little unaccustomed to being looked at expectantly by so many people, and rubbed her neck in embarrassment.

Lothar was beautifully ignored. Sejuani didn’t introduce him, and the others didn’t pay attention to him, the young man with a broken arm.

Only Ashe looked at Lothar, and his expression revealed his reluctance to participate in the plunder.

“Don’t worry about my mother, Ai Xi.” Seeing Ai Xi’s unnatural expression, Sejuani thought she was worried about what Korjiya would do to her, and comforted her, “Don’t worry about those dark priests, I’m here, They can’t move you.”

Ashe raised her eyebrows slightly: “Are you going to challenge your mother’s authority?”

Sejuani shook her head: “I can’t challenge, unless the whole tribe supports me… But I must act tonight, the priests can’t tolerate half a snowflake in their eyes, they will definitely find a chance to kill you. Or my mother will hand you over to me.” Let them deal with it, then it’s over…”

“Then I didn’t mention me at all.” Lothar thought a little speechlessly.

“As long as we bring back more food tonight and let everyone see that you are good for the tribe and not bad, my mother and the priest can’t do anything to you.” Sejuani solemnly pressed Ashe’s shoulder , “It must be successful, understand?”

“Well…” Ashe replied in a low voice, but quickly shook her head, “Forget it… I’d better go back to the Ice Sea with Lothar…”

“No!” Sejuani shouted, “I won’t let you drag this trash outside to suffer!”

“Hey…I’m still here…” Lothar smiled wryly.

Sejuani ignored Lothar, and she took out a small knife: “I have been protected by Glenna since I was a child. If it weren’t for your mother, I would have died under the whip of my grandmother and mother.”

Ashe recalled that when she was a child, Sejuani was often trained by her grandmother. Back then, she was only a skinny girl less than ten years old. Only Glenna, who was also a war mother, could save her from her grandmother. . Among her peers, only Ashe dared to take the risk of offending Warmother Winter’s Claw, feed her medicine and play with her when she was covered in injuries.

Sejuani never got the love of her relatives from her blood relatives, she only experienced it from Glenna and herself.

“I will never let you die in vain, nor will I let you leave the tribe to live in pain outside.” Sejuani scratched her palm with a dagger, and blood overflowed.

She stretched out her bleeding hand and dagger in front of Ashe at the same time: “There is no need for anyHe shaman and priest’s witness, and I swear the oath of robes. ”

Ashe lowered her head, looking at the red line on Sejuani’s palm.

She turned her gaze to Lothar again, but Lothar didn’t move, meaning “you judge”.

Ashe took a deep breath, took the dagger, and smiled wryly at Sejuani: “How do you want me to refuse, Sejuani.”

Sejuani smiled heartily, and said, “I swear here——Ashe of Avarosa, I will protect you like a sister, I will protect your children, share your pain, and I will regard you as family, I will regard you as a confidant, I will regard you as a robe. In the name of Serilda, a bond of blood.”

Ashe made a cut on her hand, and met Sejuani’s eyes: “I swear again – Sejuani of Winter’s Claw, I will protect you like a sister, whether it is fighting or giving birth I will be by your side. I will regard you as my family, and I will regard you as my robe. In the name of Avarosa, blood is our alliance.”

The two bleeding hands held each other heavily, and the blood of the icy blood blended with each other.

“Sister.” Sejuani said.

“Sister.” Ashe replied.

They hug each other tightly.

“The strong should do what is impossible.” Ashe said softly.

“We will do it.” Sejuani said firmly.


The robe is a very important and rare oath in the Freljord. The oath is no less important than the marriage oath. The signatories will become like brothers and sisters, and they will defend each other’s life, family and property with their lives.

This kind of oath is generally not easy to conclude. Like all other important oaths, it needs to go through complicated and lengthy ceremonies and debates before it can be established. Once established, it is bound for life and will not change until death.

——Excerpt from “Valoran Travels: The Freljord

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