Four Traveling

Lothar thought about it for a while, and said seriously: “Okay, if it’s for Ashe, I don’t think it’s a problem for me to die.”

“Enough! Lothar!” Ashe got a little angry, “Don’t embarrass yourself in front of Marukolo!”

The people around began to laugh at Lothar’s big talk. Everyone knew that although this wolf cub was an excellent hunter, he shrank faster than anyone else when he encountered a war with other tribes.

Marukolo didn’t laugh, he could feel that what Lothar said was true.

Marukolo looked at Ashe, this beautiful girl was locking Lothar’s neck and pulling him away, as if she wanted to fix Lothar properly. Lothar is not of the blood of ice, and his strength is completely inferior to Ashe, but he made a face at Marukolo proudly: “Ashe was taken away by me!”

“Shut up!” Ashe slammed Lothar on the head once.

Marukolo smiled wryly: “A child raised by wolves is really rebellious…”

The clan started a new day’s journey. They continued to go far away, following the orders of Warmother Glenna, to find the legendary throne of Avarosa.

Avarosa is also the name of their tribe.

Lothar ran out of breath. Because of the superior physical strength of the ice blood, the clan was divided into two groups. The first wave was led by the war mother Glenna, and they were all ice blood. The latter wave is of course all ordinary furnace households, under the care of Glenna’s younger sister, Heerno.

Lothar is not of ice blood, he should be in the rear team, but he ran with all his strength, and followed closely behind Ashe.

“He must be crazy!” Ash didn’t even have the thought of looking back at Lothar. She began to regret why she went to Lothar last night. If she didn’t go to Lothar, he wouldn’t have a conflict with his mother , and will not be stimulated to launch a fierce offensive against himself.

“Ai Xi, what happened to that wolf cub?” An old man with a big white beard stayed beside Ai Xi, asking strangely.

“Yilu, I beg you, stop asking.” Ashe begged.

Yilu laughed: “I am your sworn father, you can’t hide it from me.”

Ashe turned her head aside.

Yilu stroked his beard with an inscrutable look: “Let me guess, that wolf cub said he wants to be your blood ally, right?”

“Yru!” Ashe punched Yilu hard on the arm, “You must have heard Lothar’s yelling last night!”

“It’s not just me. Almost all the Icebloods in the tribe have heard it. Our ears are much sharper than Fudo.”

“It doesn’t matter if you hear it, I won’t let Lothar marry me.” Ashe kicked a stone away.

“Is it because you don’t like him, or is it because he is not of ice blood?”

Ash paused for a moment, feeling a little messy in her heart: “It’s all there.”

Yilu patted Ashe on the back lovingly: “You have five sworn fathers, and I am the oldest of them. When I married your mother, I didn’t have any hope at all. Each of them was younger than me Li Zhuang, guess what happened”

Ai Xi has heard Yilu tell this story countless times: “The result is that the three children born to your mother are all yours.”

“And you are the only one who lived until the spring and the name day.” Yiru touched the top of Ashe’s head.

“What on earth do you want to say, Dad?” Ashe wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible. Iru likes to hear her call him that. Every time he hears it, he will jump up and down excitedly like a child, as if no one else is there.

But this time, Yilu said meaningfully: “What I want to say is that you will never know what fate will bring you. Don’t deny that wolf cub so quickly.”

Aixi stopped in her tracks. She looked back. That idiot Lothar was struggling to walk at the end of the Frostblood line, trying his best not to fall behind, not to mention carrying a huge package.

It suddenly occurred to Ashe that no one would help Lothar carry the package, or even let him put the package on the cart, because he was not from Avarosa, he was just a child picked up by Glenna in the wolf den.

He was an outsider, and no one loved him since he was a child.

Ashe looked at Lothar walking unsteadily in the snow, feeling a little dazed.

“Aixi, tell me the truth.” Yiru said suddenly, “Who do you like, wolf cub or Marukolo? Or do you like both?”

“Yru!” Ashe slapped his father fiercely.

Yilu laughed loudly, enjoying her daughter’s fist full of youthful vigor.

Lothar felt like he was dying.

“This group of ice blood…why… can they walk so fast!” Lothar stared at the team ahead, not letting them out of his sight.

But Lothar was on the verge of the limit, the heavy package crushed him, and he was about to fall.

One hand supported Lothar.

Lothar looked around, and the person who helped him had a face that he hated.

“Can you still persist?” Marukolo asked with concern.

Lothar just wanted to say that he couldn’t hold on any longer, but when he thought that if he said this, wouldn’t it be tantamount to admitting defeat to Marukolo.

“It’s okay!” Lothar gritted his teeth and continued walking with all his strength.

“You don’t have to push yourself so hard.” Marukolo walked beside Lothar holding the bone staff, “Ai Xi is at the front of the line, no matter how hard you try, she won’t be able to see her.”

“I want you to take care of it!”

Marukolo smiled wryly. He didn’t expect this wolf boy to be so stubborn.

“You don’t have to treat me as an enemy, wolf child.” Marukolo’s palm condensed a dark chill, which dispelled some of Lothar’s fatigue. Lothar felt that his legs had regained strength, and his walking speed would also increase. Not a lot.

“Wow, is this the magic of the Frost Priest? It’s amazing.” Lothar felt extremely light.

“It can only last for a while, you should go back to the team of furnace households first.” Marukolo persuaded.

“I don’t!” Lothar continued to walk forward.

“Why do you have to work so hard?” Marukolo couldn’t understand.

Lothar looked at the Frost Priest, his eyes burst outCrazy Mars: “Warmother Glenna doesn’t admit that I am stronger than Iceblood, so she won’t let me be Ashe’s blood alliance, I just want to prove it to her.”

Marukolo was speechless for a long time before slowly saying, “I really don’t know whether I should laugh at your stupidity or admire your courage.”

“I prefer the latter one, rival in love.”

Marukolo laughed and said, “You really don’t need to treat me as a rival in love. Ashe and I… are impossible.”

Losa looked at Marukolo suspiciously: “Why don’t you like her?”

“Ash is the most beautiful and best girl I have ever seen, but…”

“But what?”

“I am a Frost Priest.” Marukolo smiled bitterly. “Frost Priests don’t marry. My whole life is dedicated to my master—Lissandra.”

Lothar tilted his head: “So do you like Ashe or not?”

Marukolo was impatient: “Didn’t I tell you that it’s impossible for me and Ashe.”

“But you like her.” Lothar spat, “You like her, you are my rival in love!”

Marukolo stared blankly at Lothar, and the boy began to trot, catching up with the team ahead.

“Regardless of origin, is it only about feelings…” Marukolo looked at the bone staff in his hand, “It’s a pity, child of the wolf, I don’t have the same courage as you.”


Although it is a matriarchal society, most tribes in the Freljord still practice monogamy. The only exception is the war mother, who can have multiple blood alliances to ensure that at least one healthy and strong girl can be born to inherit the position of the war mother. For that child, her mother’s husband is her sworn father. The oath father will desperately protect the war mother and her child, so that the clan’s fire can continue.

——Excerpt from “Valoran Travels: The Freljord

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