The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1227: With him

Chapter 1227: With him

I have never tried to care about Han Zhuo Ling, just knowing how bad it is to complain about Han Zhuo Ling.

From the beginning, you do n’t want to give anything, and where do you get the reward?

And now, he is still complaining about Han Zhuoling!

Lin Liye said angrily: "Even if Zhuo Ling is negligent to you, he is not unfaithful to you! Have you ever thought of yourself when you accused him? Have you paid for it? Have you ever cared about him? He When you're busy with work, did you ask him whether he ate, didn't sleep? You asked him to care about you, but did you care about him? "

"Xia Yixin, the marriage between the two of you was not based on mutual affection! You can't expect two people who have no affection. As soon as they get married, they will have deep affection and you will be spoiled like a princess. He will tolerate you and satisfy the romance of your little girls when you are wayward. You have not cared about him, you have not paid, you only know how to spend his money, compare with others, and be your lady. These, he never blame You, you come to blame him? Why are you! "

Lin Liye acknowledged that as Han Zhuo Ling's mother, she was partial.

Psychologically, he prefers his son.

But she asked herself what was really happening between the husband and wife. She never stepped in and stood beside her son.

But this is her proudest, eldest son!

Why was insulted by this woman, Xia Yixin!

After Lin Liye scolded Xia Yixin, he stared hard at Han Dongping.

If Han Dongping hadn't insisted, how could Han Zhuo Ling's marriage be as dreadful as it is now!

She has always envied the husband and wife of Han Xiyu, because their enlightened and Han Zhuoli's marriage is so good.

Han Zhuo Li was also an old bachelor before he met Lu Man.

However, although the Han Xiluo and his wife were in a hurry, when they saw Han Zhuoli, they raised his face and let him take off the order quickly.

But he just talked about it, he never forced one, and did not force Han Zhuoli to marry a woman he didn't like.

And now, Han Zhuoli finally got to Lu Man.

See what kind of life Han Zhuoli has had since getting married!

His wife is well-behaved and considerate, and she thinks of Han Zhuoli all the time. She never does those things that compare and compete, and only takes the family first.

Look at Xia Yixin again!

Han Zhuo Ling also lived well after marriage!

If it weren't for Xia Yixin's excessiveness, how could it make Han Zhuo Ling feel cold!

But who is to blame for these?

Blame Xia Yixin?

It's strange.

But also blame Han Dongping!

Why can't he stop some!

Blame herself for not being able to fight for her son.

How can Han Dongping take care of Lin Liye's attitude now, his face turned purple.

It never occurred to Xia Yixin that she was really derailed. Even Han Linkai was very likely to be a Han family!

This abominable woman!

"Since you are so dissatisfied with my elder brother, let's get divorced quickly!" Han Zhuofeng said angrily. "Just divorce, you'll find someone who can make you happy!"

Han Zhuofeng pointed to the man next to him, "Ah, just right, live with him! Your son is also his seed! Since I'm so dissatisfied, I beg my brother to forgive me!"

"No, I am not divorced, I am not divorced!" Xia Yixin said repeatedly.

If she divorces, it's all over!

Back to Xia's, Xia's will not let her go!

Derailed, put a green hat on Han Zhuo Ling, not even his son.

6 is more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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