The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1235: Let me wait for thirty years

Chapter 1235: Let Me Wait Thirty Years

"Are you still scared?" Han Zhuo Li asked.

Lu Man shook his head. "It's all at home, it's safe and I don't feel scared. I just want to wait for you to come back."

"Are you going to take a bath?" Lu Man took out his pajamas for Han Zhuoli.

"I can just rush it quickly." Han Zhuoli took the pajamas to the bathroom.

After a while, he came out refreshingly.

"How's the situation over there?" Lu Man asked.

Han Zhuo Li lifted the quilt and went to bed, "Forcing Xia Yixin to sign the divorce agreement. She even whimsically asked her brother to forgive her this time, of course, no one agreed.

"What about the child? Lin Kai, he ..." At this time, Lu Man basically had no hope.

Sure enough, listening to Han Zhuoli said: "It is she and the man's child today that has nothing to do with my elder brother."

Lu Man was uncomfortable. Although the old lady did not wait to see Xia Yixin, she loved Chen Linkai very much.

Xia Yixin looked closely and did not let others hold Chen Linkai.

Even so, the old house always has something suitable for children to play with, and Lin Kai likes rice noodles.

"How old is so uncomfortable ..." Lu Man said sadly. "And brother he ..."

She is not familiar with Han Zhuo Ling, she does not know well.

However, since Han Zhuoli can help Han Zhuoling so much and think for him, it shows that this big brother is very good.

The person Han Zhuoli likes, naturally she likes it too.

In a few meetings, although Han Zhuo Ling looked cold and rarely said anything, she still remembered that when she met for the first time, Han Zhuo Ling was on her side with Han Zhuo Li.

Han Zhuo Ling is a person who is cold outside and hot inside.

Such a good person should not be humiliated in this way.

Han Zhuoli knew Lu Man's mood and held her in his arms. "It's okay, just let my brother find another marriage as soon as possible."

Lu Man cried with a smile on his chest, "How can it be so easy! You haven't found me for thirty years!"

When Han Zhuo Li heard it, she was happy.

This girl is getting thicker now.

Strong arms hung her tightly. "Yeah, you say you are too. Why did it take so long? Let me wait thirty years."

Lu Man hugged his waist and said to his heart that you had waited more than thirty years.

Similarly, she waited for him for a long time.

Lu Man closed his eyes, his cheeks tightly against his chest, and he froze a few times.

Every time I think of it, I feel a little upset.

I was afraid that as soon as I opened my eyes, there would be nothing.

He is gone.

Now smelling the refreshing fragrance from him, he gradually settled down.

"I don't know if I can let the elder brother choose the woman he likes after this incident, don't urge him again, and don't stop trying to come over each other without emotion. Otherwise, it's not fair to both sides." Say.

"No, this time the elder brother has made his attitude clear and will not accept the uncle to intervene in his affairs. Not only that, I originally thought that the three of our brothers should deal with the matter first and then tell the elders clearly. The decision to resolve it directly in the presence of Uncle and Auntie was to show it to Uncle. By the way, he could not even intervene in Zhuofeng's future. "

At this time, Han Zhuoli did not know that Lin Liye had moved out of the house and lived with his two sons.

Han Zhuofeng originally lived at home, and all moved to Han Zhuoling at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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