The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1242: Threat

Chapter 1242 Threat

"Yes." The Pharaoh steward turned back to the door and said to the video intercom. "The second old man has no time to see you."

Xia Zhancheng knew that this was what the second old man knew Xia Yixin had done.

"King steward, we really came in good faith. I know that Xia Yixin's doing this is ridiculous, and we will never condone it! This time, I want to do my best sincerely, not to get the Han family. Forgive, but please be assured. As long as we can do it, if there are any requirements, the Han family will mention it! "Xia Zhancheng said with sincerity," Our Xia family is insignificant compared to the Han family, but we will never shirk responsibility. This is what Xia Yixin did wrong, that is, I am Xia Zhancheng's daughter-in-law. I certainly will not tolerate it. "

Xia Zhancheng said sincerely: "Butler Wang, please tell us, let's meet the second old man, explain it in person, show our sincerity to the second old man, and show our sincerity to my in-laws. In this case, we have no face to ask the Korean family for forgiveness She was shameless and asked Zhuo Ling to forgive Xia Yixin. If your in-laws want to fight or scold, they will follow you. "

The steward Wang didn't tell him, he directly adjusted the volume of the interphone to the maximum so that everyone in the living room could hear it clearly.

The old man sneered, "What's the sincerity, I don't see you! Tell them, keep tangling, as long as they show up at the door of our Korean family, don't blame us!"

"Yes." Pharaoh's housekeeper conveyed the words of the old man intact.

Xia Zhancheng's purpose today has not been achieved. What I most hope to let the Han family know has not been said in person. How can it be done?

Seeing that he must not be able to enter the door, Xia Zhancheng made an immediate decision and said directly to the Pharaoh housekeeper, "Trouble tell the second old man and his in-laws."

Before Xia Zhancheng finished, he was interrupted by the Pharaoh's housekeeper and corrected: "Mr. Xia, the Xia family and Han family are no longer in-law relationship. Please call us Mr. Han and Mrs. Han, Mrs. Han."

Pharaoh's housekeeper reacted quickly and blocked Xia Zhancheng's attempt to continue to take advantage.

The Han family all relaxed their expressions with satisfaction. They are indeed Pharaoh's housekeepers, and they did not fall into the ranks of Xia Zhancheng.

Xia Zhancheng naturally has a careful thinking of taking advantage, and also wants to use these words to test the meaning of the Han family.

If the Han family did not object to him continuing to scream like this, it means that the Han family has not yet tried to do everything, and does not want to tear their faces and want to live in peace.

When Xia Zhancheng said that for the first time, Pharaoh's housekeeper didn't say anything. Xia Zhancheng immediately raised his heart, which was called an excitement.

I think things may not be too bad.

Who knew so quickly, he was beaten by Pharaoh's housekeeper.

"Yes," Xia Zhancheng said stiffly. "It was my negligence. I used to be used to it, but I couldn't change it for a while."

Pharaoh's housekeeper said lightly: "Mr. Xia must work hard to change, so as not to be able to chat with people, mention the Han family, and take a bite out of the family, which makes people misunderstand. Then the Han family said that they must do something and talk to people Clarify this misunderstanding. "

This is the threat of naked. Naked!

Xia Zhancheng could only nodded like a grandson. "Yes, I know. I must pay attention and never make this kind of mistake again."

"That's not going to happen," said the Pharaoh housekeeper.

"Wait ... wait!" Xia Zhancheng stopped him busy.

After being circled by Pharaoh's housekeeper, he almost forgot his purpose.

"What else?" The Pharaoh housekeeper asked.

(End of this chapter)

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