The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1244: Two orders

Chapter 1244: Two Orders

Now, Lu Man and Han Zhuoli are married, and Lu Man will have to shoulder some in the future.

The old man explained to Lu Man, "These two orders are a house order and a clan order. The house order can control the entire manpower of the Han family and can expel anyone from the family."

Han Dongping didn't know what Master Han thought. When he said this, he even looked at him.

See what he does!

"As for the deployment of any man in the Han family, as long as the master order is revealed, he has to follow it." Father Han explained, "and the clan order is not easy to come out."

Lu Man looked at it. When the old man said "clan order", everyone's expressions changed, especially solemn.

"The clan order is to use the power of the entire family, regardless of the consequences. No matter how hard this battle is, after the end, how much the family will be affected, we must work hard to fight the opponent and lay down our opponents!" Father Han said, suddenly, the momentum rose.

"The clan order and the house order are both in the charge of the head of the house, and can also be issued by the next head of the house with the consent of the homeowner. The clan order is more important than the house order."

A family is naturally heavier than a family.

"When the old man was young, he used clan orders. He used the power of the entire family to support the war." Han Zhuoli quietly explained to Lu Man, "As soon as the clan orders came out, it showed that the Han family was really angry.

In fact, even the old lady didn't expect that the old man was going to use a clan order.

"Okay." Han Zhuo Li nodded.

And Han Xiyu, who is the current owner, also supports, "Otherwise, my Han family can be humiliated at will."

Lin Liye's throat was a bit sour. She didn't expect that the second old man was so angry and so attached to Han Zhuo Ling that even the clan orders were dispatched.

Just because Han Zhuo Ling could not be seen clearly, he had to use his whole family to deal with the Xia family.

Everyone knows that Han people can't be humiliated like this.

Originally, she was worried that even if Han Zhuo Ling didn't care about it, once the divorce was revealed, Han Zhuo Ling would be laughed at.

His wife put a green hat on herself, and the son she gave birth to was not his own.

Why should she be so ridiculed for such an excellent son!

But with this clan order, it is different, which fully shows the attitude of the Han family.

Who dares to joke Han Zhuoling?

I do n’t know if the old man even thought of this when he made this decision.

Lin Liye was really grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing everyone's support in this way, Han Xizhen and Shen Nuo also have no objection.

As if it was a matter for Han Zhuoling to issue a clan order, he never felt that it was a frightening effect and made the matter too serious.

The Han family has always been like this. For the family, they never compromise and can do everything.

This is why she can't stand Han Dongping for a long time, but still stays in the Han family.

She can bear Han Dongping, but she can't bear to protect the junior elder, and she can't bear Han family except Han Dongping.

They are so united with each other to protect their families.

She felt lucky and reassured to be family with them.

Because she knew that in this home, no matter what happened, there was such a reliable group of family members behind her to support and protect her.

Married into the Han family for decades, she was also influenced by the atmosphere of the Han family.

(End of this chapter)

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