The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1253: Is there a pit in your head?

Chapter 1253: Is There A Pit In My Head

Han Zhuo Li laughed softly, and the raised throat knot vibrated, all of which seemed extraordinarily sexual.

Looking down at Lu Man's already red face, she knew what she was thinking.

"Hurry, call twice." Han Zhuo Li smiled. "Except that time, you rarely yell."

Lu Man didn't know why. When he was sober, he was so embarrassed to call him that.

The two have been married for some time, and she has become accustomed to marriage and puts herself in the position of a wife.

But it ca n’t be called.

Feeling weird.

"Ji Qing just called me right now." Lu Man switched the subject.

Han Zhuo laughed twice, "Don't try to change the subject!"

Looking at Han Zhuo Li's face that could not see how tired he felt, Lu Man felt that he could not call, probably just shy at his face.

She blushed, and finally made a noise, "Husband!"

Han Zhuoli's voice smiled warmly and kissed her lips.

He was so sweet to hear her soft voice.

"What did Yan Maoqing tell you?" Han Zhuoli asked.

"She told me that the best newcomer award is mine. Say hello to me in advance and prepare me." Lu Man said, and said Liang Chengbing's results by the way.

Han Zhuoli looked at Lu Man. "This is the first time you have participated in such an important award. This weekend, I will take you to order a dress."

Lu Man also knew that on such occasions, her shape must not be sloppy, so she agreed.

At this time, Xia Qing called the phone in the future.

"Long, are you going to the Feiyan International Film Festival?" Xia Qing didn't ask.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Lu Man was still in Han Zhuoli's arms, and he didn't give up.

"As soon as the organizer called your dad and invited him to go, he wanted to ask if you would go, and you went to him. If you did n’t go, he would not go." Xia Qingwei said with a smile .

Wang Juhuai was exactly what a daughter said, Xia Qingwei didn't think how funny.

"I'll go," Lu Man said. "Go with dad."

"Okay, then let me tell him, it depends on whether he wants to take me."

Before Xia Qing finished speaking, Lu Man heard the other end of the phone, and Wang Juhuai's voice said, "Yes, of course, take it with you, you must!"

Liang Chengbing naturally received an invitation from the organizer.

Although Liang Chengbing is not sure whether his work will win the prize, he is confident that he will be shortlisted.

The reporter didn't have a shortlist either. They can only rely on experience. According to the current list of participants, who is more likely to be shortlisted.

Among them was Liang Chengbing.

The next day, an interview with Liang Chengbing was released online.

Lu Man is at school. After a class, during the break, the students in the classroom are chatting on Weibo.

Suddenly I heard someone say, "Look at Liang Chengbing's interview!"

Also heard Zhuang Tingting said: "It seems that Liang Liang is very optimistic about Lu Man."

"Why is it related to Lu Man again?" Zheng Yuan was puzzled and looked for Lu Man. "Look, what Liang Chengbing is pulling you back to."

Pan Xue and Han Leilei also set aside to watch.

As soon as Lu Man clicked in, he heard Pan Xue's anger, "I'm leaning on it, isn't Liang Chengbing's mind pitted!"

"Where is it?" Lu Man asked.

She didn't follow any entertainment account, and she didn't follow many people on Weibo, so unlike Pan Xue, she could see it quickly.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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