The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1275: Dilemma

Chapter 1275: Dilemma

However, Xia Qing was not afraid that Lu Man would have a bad influence, and he was afraid that others would hear that Lu Man was too modest, so he did not dare to speak out.

But Wang Juhuai no longer had such concerns. He gently hugged the road and gently gave her a thumbs up when he separated, "It's worthy of the name!"

Wang Juhuai said so, no one dares to have an opinion?

Lu Man sat in the first row, and the guests behind him shook hands with Lu Man to celebrate.

Even if they are unfamiliar with Lu Man, Wang Juhuai must be very enthusiastic about Lu Man.

After Lu Man and everyone in the back row shook hands, Han Zhuoli also stood up.

Lu Man turned to look at him, somewhat surprised.

In order to protect her, Han Zhuoli was worried that those in the entertainment industry attributed Lu Man's achievements to Han Zhuoli's cause, and worried that she would be harassed and harassed at school.

So this man obviously wanted to be so public, but he kept on.

He thought of everything she could think of, and did it.

In fact, the road is also fine.

The man was very wronged, and in her eyes, she felt that this was unfair to Han Zhuo Li.

She didn't really care about being public, and she wasn't afraid of all kinds of positive or negative effects that would be brought to her after the public.

Since being with him, she can bear both good and bad.

He could be wronged for her like this, always hidden in the dark.

Then she can also be fair to him for him.

Just because she always knew what he wanted to do.

He did this for her, and she couldn't bear it.

While following what he meant, he wanted to find a proper opportunity to make it public.

For a relationship, it is good for both parties to give each other.

He always wanted to pay, and she only accepted, she couldn't do such a thing.

But now, Han Zhuoli stood up.

Everyone in the audience saw Han Zhuoli stood up.

When Lu Man was embarrassed at first, Han Zhuoli hadn't come in yet.

By the time he came in, Wang Juhuai had taken Xia Qing to support Lu Man.

When the road came over, Han Zhuo Li heard Wang Juhuai about Lu Man's exclusion.

I didn't really hear it, but Han Zhuoli was still angry.

Those people dare to bully Lu Man, don't they just think Lu Man is bullying?

He couldn't help wondering whether he hadn't announced whether he had done wrong with Lu Man's marriage.

For the sake of good roads, I don't want her to be disturbed at school, nor do she want her grades to be denied, and I don't want her light to be hidden by the surname Han.

It is clear that Lu Man is based on his own ability, but once his relationship with him is open, he can think that those people will surely say that the success that Lu Man achieved before is due to Han Zhuoli!

Without Han Zhuoli's help, she would be nothing.

Han Zhuoli did not want Lu Man's efforts to be denied in this way.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this.

Lee, naturally, Lu Man's efforts can be seen.

Unfortunately, it makes some people think that Lu Man is bullying, and anyone can bully her.

Because he cares, he hesitates.

The man who has always been decisive, at this time hesitated, whether to open it.

Because I want to give Lu Man the best, I don't want to hurt her a little.

But it seems that no matter which one is chosen, it is not perfect.

Han Zhuoli never thought that one day he would become a person who would hurt Lu Man.

This is unacceptable to him anyway.

What he wanted to do now was to show at least the importance of Lu Man, so that those people would not dare to look down on her.

The fifth one is before 1:30.

(End of this chapter)

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