The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1285: I'm afraid others won't ask

Chapter 1285: Afraid Others Don't Ask

Xiao Wei stayed on the stage and gave Fang Jialin a stick at any time.

Fang Jialin is responsible for leaving the field to ask questions because of his high emotional intelligence and strong resilience.

But even Fang Jialin couldn't help but be nervous when facing Han Zhuoli.

"Han Shao, sorry, I'm here to disturb you and the road." Fang Jialin smiled and sat down on the seat vacated beside Han Zhuoli.

"I think both the friends present and the audience in front of the screen were taken aback by both of you." Fang Jialin said, "You two can hide too much."

Han Zhuo smiled slightly, Fang Jialin said to Lu Man, "Lu Man, what is it like to have such a big man in the family?"

Lu Man smiled: "I didn't think he was a big brother, he was my husband."

Fang Jialin laughed: "Probably it's Lu Man's mentality that can be with Han Shao. But you two can really be so calm."

Fang Jialin meant that several times before, Lu Man was attacked by his peers on the Internet. None of them saw Han Zhuoli coming out for maintenance, all of which were handled by Lu Man himself.

Han Zhuo Li can really hold his breath.

However, because many people who had conflicts with Lu were on the scene, Fang Jialin was not good at giving such an example.

Fang Jialin could only ask: "When Lu Man was giving his testimony, he briefly mentioned the reason why you have not announced it. But what I said is not very detailed, and many of us don't understand it well."

Fang Jialin looked at Han Zhuoli a little bit shyly: "I don't know if they can talk to us in detail?"

Rao is Fang Jialin, and she is also afraid.

If anyone dares to say no to face in such a situation, it is Han Zhuoli.

People just don't give you face on the spot, you can't say anything yet.

Frustrated, Fang Jialin added, "Of course, this is the private affairs of the two. If you think it is inappropriate, you can also say nothing. Although we are curious, we also know that the two have no obligation to tell us private affairs."

After Fang Jialin said, he was embarrassed and grinned at the camera.

Although counseling, this expression is quite interesting.

The scene was full of joking boos, and he was too annoying.

Not so when interviewing others.

Fang Jialin didn't feel embarrassed at all, but he asked Han Zhuoli's gossip!

Who asks who counsels!

They have the ability to ask!

But he didn't know that Han Zhuoli was rubbing his hands now and couldn't wait to show affection.

I'm afraid that others won't ask!

He has endured this for so long. He has always been Lu Man's husband, but he can't say, but he has been beaten.

After finally making it public, finally no longer need to conceal it, Han Zhuoli has a bunch of words to say.

"Nothing can't be said." Han Zhuoli smiled, and naturally stretched Lu Lu's hand to his leg and held it. "I started with Man Long and fell in love, I identified her, I was sure early, she is what I want Married woman. But this little girl, she never likes to rely on people, and has no habit. "

Han Zhuoli turned his head, looking at Lu Man gently, with a soft smile in his eyes.

"Maybe it is related to her experience. I think many people know what she has experienced. So she is used to relying on herself for everything, and she never asks me for help even with me. This makes me a boyfriend Even now, becoming his husband, I still feel a little frustrated, and I can help her clearly. "

(End of this chapter)

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