The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1346: Known by Lu Qi

Chapter 1346: Known By Lu Qi

"Don't be sore upstairs. If you can let Han Zhuo Li marry you, you can do it. But can you? Can't shut up."

"Guodian has such a long road, indeed there is a reason for Han Zhuoli, but there is no need to be sore because of this. This is human nature. I don't believe those who have a dark road, and dare to say that in front of Han Zhuoli."

"That is, who can not be a keyboard man on the Internet. Besides, Lu Man did nothing wrong, Guodian supported her. What happened when Lu Man did something wrong, Guodian supported her, so come out again."

"Speaking, when will Guodian put the results, wait!"

Netizens are urging.

Guodian's official micro editor is in President Liu's office.

After getting the rankings from Principal Liu, he scanned them into the computer and intercepted the top ten rankings and scores before posting them online.

"I wipe, Lu Man is the first!"

"She's against the sky! Is she a human being? She's on the show again, and she's gotten into Liang Bingbing, and even got married in the middle. As a result, she can still be the first!"

"This is going to be sent to the students behind Lu Man. Lu Man is so busy, and he can take the first test. You have been in school, why can't you pass Lu Man?"

This netizen, by the way, has a few people who have been dealing with Lu Man, including Zhang Xiaoying, Zhuang Tingting, Fan Xiyue and others.

Not to mention, this netizen has a really good memory.

In this, in addition to Zhang Xiaoying also remained in the top ten, currently the fourth position, the other two are not in the top ten rankings.

When netizens Aite came out, they were so annoyed that a few of them, especially those who didn't even enter the top ten, were also satired by net friendliness.

There are more people who haven't entered. Are those netizens having problems in their brains?

"666, Lu Man is absent, but he can still use his strength to slap his face.

"The name of God is already in the hearts of the people."

"I have no idea what to do."

"No wonder the road hasn't appeared. People's results are so great. Sooner or later, they will use their facts to slap their faces. There is no need to come out and waste saliva."

"Lu Man: Although my sister is not here, my legend is everywhere."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, the sunspots still don't remember much. How many times have they been beaten so far, does it still hurt? Are they swollen now?"

Lu Man looked at these reviews on the Internet, both good and bad.

But those bad ones can't affect her mood.

Lu Man's ability to bear pressure can be said to be very strong.

I've seen it and just laughed it off.


Lu Qi is not filming now, so she deliberately came to the school to help the teacher during the holiday.

I hope to make a good impression, maybe any teacher can recommend a character to her.

In the counselor's office that day, helping to organize the documents, I heard that other teachers were chatting with Teacher Liang.

"I heard that Lu Man really didn't go to New York to be an exchange student?" Teacher Wang from the office asked.

Mr. Liang still does not know the principal's decision. The principal has not yet notified her. For the time being, he will not announce that Lu Man will stay to wait for the NYU student group to communicate.

Therefore, Teacher Liang was facing away from Lu Man at this time, and nodded to Teacher Wang, "Yeah, considering that she is married and does not want to leave her family, she will go for so long a year, so she refuses."

Teacher Liang sighed in disapproval, "I really feel a shame, what a chance. Although Han Zhuo Li is here, she will not lack this kind of opportunity in the future. But after all, this is an opportunity for her to fight, and she will change her name. It is good for her to learn more while her acting skills have not yet become routine, and there are countless possibilities for elaboration. "

Radish pit, radish pit, Argentina pit after Germany pit, see you at 1:30

(End of this chapter)

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