The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1358: Beautiful misunderstanding

Chapter 1358: Beautiful Misunderstanding

Zheng Tianming said many times before, but she didn't believe it.

Without really experiencing it in front of Han Zhuoli, she just didn't believe it.

After seeing Han Zhuo Li, he still felt that he could be more or less eye-catching.

It ’s not like how to talk to Han Zhuoli, play with each other and send it to him, should he also refuse?

But now, at least for the moment, Lu Qi is afraid to have such an idea.

She finally listened to Han Zhuoli's words.

Han Zhuo Li was able to directly block her path in front of her and make her despair.

Then Han Zhuoli's threat did not dare not listen.

The appearance that can penetrate the bone marrow is not easy to change.

Lu Qi still looked like a little white flower here. Han Zhuo Li was too lazy to look at it and left the car to leave, leaving Lu Qi alone.

At this time, Lu Qi didn't notice that in a black car parked on the opposite side of the road outside the Hanbang parking lot, a person was holding a camera and was snapping her fast.


Han Zhuoli drove to Yiyuan. Xia Qingwei is now an elderly pregnant woman. She is treated like porcelain. Wang Juhuai and Lu Man didn't let her do anything.

When Han Zhuo Li entered the door, Lu Manzheng and his uncle were preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of Wei Zhong and Han Zhuoli's greetings from the living room, Lu Man handed over the kitchen to Dazhu temporarily, and went out to see Han Zhuoli first.

She trot over, stomped her toes and kissed on the lips of Han Zhuoli first. "I'll go to prepare dinner first, just a moment."

"Don't go. Although you love to eat your food, you have to rest yourself." Han Zhuoli hugged Lu Man's waist.

"It's okay, it will be all right," Lu Man said with a smile, "I'm fine here anyway."

"Then you kiss me first." Han Zhuoli circled Lu Man's waist and wouldn't let her go.

Lu Man saw that Xia Qingwei and Wang Juhuai were not there, so he stayed at ease in Han Zhuoli's arms, raised his face, and closed his eyes obediently.

Han Zhuo Li smiled, watching Lu Man's generous appearance, without any modification, this is the girl he likes.

Not like Lu Qi, nor like others.

He always feels that no one can go a long way, and there is always something missing.

Until he met Lu Man, he didn't know what kind of girl he was waiting for.

He bowed his head, kissed Lu Man's lips, and was unwilling to let go.

Especially since she was disgusted by Lu Qi before, she is even more reluctant to let go of the road.

She seemed to be his oxygen, and the aroma of his body made him so comfortable, and every pore in his body opened up.

After a while, feeling that Lu Man was pushing him gently, Han Zhuoli released it.

"At night," Lu Man whispered.

Han Zhuoli was very surprised. He did not expect that the road had misunderstood what he meant, instead he let him welcome him.

Ben wanted to kiss her, and she misunderstood her.

This beautiful misunderstanding is quite good.

Lu Man went back to the kitchen, and as she said, after a while, dinner was ready.

It wasn't long before he entered the kitchen that Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing came out.

Apparently Tete vacated the place to the young couple.

After leaving from Yiyuan at night and returning home, Han Zhuoli told Lu Man about Lu Qi's visit to him.

"I don't know how she heard you didn't go to New York, but she doesn't know yet, your quota won't be let out." Han Zhuo Li sneered, "still dreaming there."

(End of this chapter)

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