The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1441: Don't bother, come on!

Chapter 1441: Don't Ask, Go!

"There are no ghosts during the day." Qin Zigou said with a smile.

Shi Xiaoya glanced at him, "What a lie in the daytime!"

However, she also felt a little cold.

But before the thoughts diverged, suddenly a group of people in black suits came in.

In pairs, grab a guest from left to right.

Shi Xiaoya hurried back aside, giving way to the man in black.

What is this routine?

Did n’t you say you were going to a desert island?

Shi Xiaoya knew that the show crew was hiding guests from the desert island.

The staff knew that she knew a little when she signed the contract, it was not comprehensive, and she did not talk to Qin Zigou more.

She promised Lu Dongliu and would never say anything, nor did she tell Qin Zigou.

So when the guests were caught, the expression of panic on their faces couldn't be disguised.

"What's the matter? You ... what are you doing?" Qin Zigou looked around at the black man with dark sunglasses and expressionless face.

The scene was chaotic and all the guests were in panic.

But when Han Zhuo Ling was here, the picture suddenly changed.

The man in black didn't dare to come and catch him!

It's really scary, big and cold, with a cold face.

Don't say that the man in black arrested him, wouldn't he dare to take a step closer?

This is simply a big boss!

Instead, Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow. "Don't you catch me?"

Man in black:"……"

Lu Dongliu reluctantly urged with an intercom, "You guys hurry up! Don't bother, come on!"

The man in black looked at Han Zhuoling, and said that he wouldn't advise you that you have the ability to come by yourself!

One of them whispered to Han Zhuo Ling, "Ling Shao, that offends you."

Then, the two approached carefully ... and held Han Zhuo Ling's arm.

It looks like it's catching someone, it's more like two eunuchs helping Lafayette.

Looking at other guests being treated simply and rudely, this differential treatment is too obvious.

Qin Zigou said directly, "What do you say? What is so simple and rude to us, why don't you dare go up and catch Ling Shao? Look at those two, is it going to catch someone or to ask the emperor? Shame? "

The two men in black supporting Han Zhuo Ling bowed his head awkwardly, but still helped Han Zhuo Ling steady.

Everyone: "..."

Shi Xiaoya had already reached the area of ​​the crew of the show, followed them, and couldn't help laughing when she saw the situation.

Six people were taken into the car each, each in a separate car.

After getting in the car, I was blindfolded.

Shi Xiaoya went to the desert island with the crew together with the crew.

Han Zhuoling, Zhang Shuidong and Liu Chuanhui were each sent to a helicopter.

Qin Zigou, Zhang Jian and Lin Yantao were sent to the speedboat.

Of course, they are all alone.

"Wow, what's going on?" After Zhang Jian sat down, she couldn't see it with her blindfolds, but she just felt very unsteady.

"Where have you taken me?" As soon as the words were finished, the speedboat set off, with a loud engine sound, and the waves of sea water were constantly beating against his face.

"I smelled the sea water. Am I on a speedboat? Where are you going to send me?" Lin Yantao asked.

Han Zhuo Ling was sent to the helicopter without panic.

When the helicopter rose, Han Zhuo Ling said, "Helicopter?"

A director who followed him was helpless.

It is easy to feel by speedboat.

But helicopters are different!

The sixth is at 2: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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