The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1461: 1493 How could Han Zhuo Ling's eyes appear?

Chapter 1461 How Can Han Zhuo Ling Appear Such A Dog's Eyes

Shi Xiaoya tried hard and found that it still didn't work, so she looked at Han Zhuo Ling, meaning to let him cooperate and lower her head slightly.

But when she didn't speak, Han Zhuo Ling pretended not to understand and remained motionless.

In fact, even if Shi Xiaoya doesn't say it, it is an individual who should understand the meaning of Shi Xiaoya.

No need to say anything, you will take the initiative to bow your head.

She didn't believe that, with Han Zhuo Ling's IQ, would he not know?

Obviously is pretending to be stupid!

Of course, Han Zhuo Ling knew the meaning of Shi Xiaoya. If he hadn't said before, he would have taken the initiative.

But now, he wants Shi Xiaoya to talk to him.

It wasn't him who asked, she answered so coldly.

Even if she is still indifferent even now, she can at least say a few more words.

the best……

Han Zhuo Ling looked down at Shi Xiaoya, who was one and a half heads shorter than him, because the stepping foot was unstable and helped him to take advantage of it.

But he didn't move, neither did Shi Xiaoya.

I don't know where this little girl suddenly had such courage, she dared to stand dead with him.

The director wanted to remind them aside, hurry up to shoot and hurry up.

But looking at Han Zhuo Ling, he did not dare to speak.

Shi Xiaoya pursed her lips, a posture that never gave up.

Han Zhuo Ling sighed in silence, annoyed her, trying to coax her, but she didn't want to annoy her even more.

Seeing this continue, Shi Xiaoya may become more angry.

Han Zhuoling had to bend down, bowed his head slightly, and had nowhere to rest his hands.

Shi Xiaoya regretted it all at once.

I was just mad at not wanting to talk to Han Zhuo Ling.

But Han Zhuo Ling's sudden movement of bending down and lowering her head, her face moved closer to her face with this movement.

It was not his intention, but only because of this action.

Rao is so, the distance between the two has suddenly become ambiguous.

In front of him was his enlarged face. Shi Xiaoya knew for a long time that no matter how enlarged his face was, he would still stand the test and look jealous.

I don't know if it was an illusion caused by tension. I always feel that Han Zhuo Ling's nose is so close to her, it seems that she will run into it with a little movement.

I felt the hot breath that he sprayed again, and his face followed.

He approached so suddenly that Shi Xiaoya unavoidably looked into his eyes.

The black eyes were not as full of anger as before. At this moment, they became very peaceful, even gentle.

Shi Xiaoya froze, and never imagined that one day she could see such emotions in Han Zhuo Ling's eyes, and she could use the word "gentle" to describe Han Zhuo Ling.

In his eyes, there was expectation and uncle, and he looked at her like this.

Shi Xiaoya closed her eyes and thought it must be her own illusion.

How could Han Zhuo Ling's eyes appear.

She finally wrote on his lips, not expecting that one-handedness was still too weak.

Helpless, he can only raise his left hand and gently support his face.

The skin on a man's face is thin, but he can still feel the roughness of the scum.

These two touches stimulated the skin of her fingertips together, and Shi Xiaoya's fingers couldn't help but tremble slightly and were too nervous.

His breath was so straight on her lips that she couldn't concentrate, and her ears were already flushed.

Han Zhuo Ling is also upset.

When Yuan Yina touched him, he was annoyed. When he touched it, he felt uncomfortable. Goosebumps were up, and his hair was straight.

But this kind of thing is replaced by Shi Xiaoya, which means that the abdomen is stuck on his face.

Shi Xiaoya found out after applying lipstick, no wonder he said he didn't need it.

His skin is white and his lips are beautiful.

The color of this bean paste on others' lips is just like their own lip color, only the color will be mentioned.

But on Han Zhuoling's lips, she became very pink, especially colored, and did not match him at all.

Shi Xiaoya had to smudge the lipstick on his lips with his fingertips.

Half of the color was stained on her fingertips, and the color left on his lips really became a lot more natural.

Adding makeup to the lens will make it look better after taking the photo.

Han Zhuo Ling felt something exploded in his head, and could not think of anything else. All the senses in his body seemed to be concentrated on his lips.

All over her mind was the feeling of her soft fingers on his lips.

But after Shi Xiaoya painted him, he stopped nostalgic.

But Han Zhuo Ling had a feeling that he didn't have enough. He was no longer the one who was touched by a woman and turned his face.

When Shi Xiaoya was about to retract her hand, she suddenly held her wrist.

He didn't even have time to think what he wanted to do to hold her back.

Who knows, just after holding it up, Shi Xiaoya sighed in pain and took a breath.

Although Han Zhuo Ling was anxious, he did not use much effort.

Upon hearing the sound, she let go quickly, and saw that Shi Xiaoya had some bruises on her wrist, and then she took a closer look and it just fit her fingers.

"How did you do that?" He just didn't use that much energy.

Han Zhuoling quickly held Shi Shiya's hand again, and did not let her move.

This time, she carefully avoided the bruise on her wrist, grabbed her hand, and carefully controlled her strength.

He looked down and frowned at Shi Xiaoya's wrist, thinking that he hadn't used that much energy just now.

Yesterday her wrists were fair and clean, and there were no such bruises.

Suddenly, Han Zhuoling froze, thinking that these should be caused when he was holding her wrist in the tent before she could move.

At that time, he misunderstood her, so he was anxious, and did not know how to control.

(End of this chapter)

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