The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1473: What happened

Chapter 1473: What Happened?

Han Zhuo Ling pursed his lips and frowned. He could not hear Han Zhuo Li's hint.

Han Zhuoli is telling him that he likes Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuo Ling sniffed.

How can it be!

He was really impressed with Shi Xiaoya, but other than that ... there was nothing else.

He didn't have a lot of faces when he met Shi Xiaoyatong. Where did he like or dislike?

Han Zhuo Ling said to himself, his eyes dropped, "You haven't said, how can you apologize?"

"Certainly apologize, of course." Han Zhuo Li came over, very experienced.

"Although I haven't provoked and never had such experience, I can tell you about my experience of chasing her." Han Zhuoli immediately felt a sense of superiority.

"This makes girls feel soft and forgive themselves, just like chasing girls, it's just going to fight hard." Han Zhuo Li said with pride, "I thought I had caught up with the long fight. She was all right in front of her, telling her that she could n’t rush away. She was looking for a job at the moment, and it was a matter of urgency. I directly brought people into Han Bang, and it was more convenient to watch under the eyelids, and it was more convenient. It was right in front of her. I was looking forward to her every day at that time. "

"You can do the same for Shi Xiaoya," said Han Zhuoli, "even if you apologize, it is not enough to say sorry. You can say more about your thoughts, and you have to make sure that she can see you. Sincerity. Go to her every day until she forgives you. "

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

"She didn't talk to you before. Even if you apologize, she can't listen to her. And just say I'm sorry, it's so insincere and perfunctory. You hurt someone, but you're sorry when you're sorry? At least you have to go to her every day Let me know how sorry you are, "Han Zhuoli said.

"I see." Han Zhuo Ling heard Han Zhuo Li spoke for a long time, and felt more trouble.

When Han Zhuo Li returned to her office, Han Zhuo Ling called in the first year.

"Ling Shao." Qi stood in front of Han Zhuo Ling in the early years, watching the expression on Han Zhuo Ling's face changed for a while, which was quite exciting.

This is hard to see on Han Zhuo Ling's face.

Han Dashao always has only a cold face, when such a rich expression appeared on his face.

But at the beginning of the year, there was no mood to appreciate at all, but he felt thrilled.

What's the matter? Han Zhuo Ling is so!

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

"Yes." I nodded at the beginning of the year.

Han Zhuoling tapped his finger on his desk a few times, "Why are you chasing your girlfriend?"

佟 In the early years, he became more and more frightened. Is the boss discussing emotional issues with him?

He now wants to call Han Zhuoli back.

"I chased her." I answered honestly in the early years.

Han Zhuoling's finger tapped on the desktop for a long time before he said, "How can you be sure that you like your girlfriend?"

佟 At the beginning of the year, was n’t it easy to say?

"It's ... not love at first sight. How can there be so many love at first sight. Just seeing her, the first impression is pretty, at least to my eyes. Later, when I get along again, I think she's also good-natured. It ’s funny, it ’s the way I like it. The more I know her, the more I realize I miss her when I ca n’t see her, I want to be with her all the time, want to kiss her, and be close with her ... When we are together, there will be more small movements, like touching her from time to time and touching her. No matter where it is, even if it is touching her hair, googling your little fingers, you will feel happy. "

More for the rest of the day

(End of this chapter)

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