The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1499: You say him

Chapter 1499: You Say Him

The four changed to a slightly larger table. Lu Man knew from Shi Xiaoya that she wanted to eat crayfish, but she was afraid of the smell on her hands and she would make up Jiang Yuhan, and the other party would mind.

Because there were more Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie, Lu Man added two more dishes.

Han Zhuoli took the time to order, and quickly sent a message to Han Zhuoling, "Brother, did you eat it?"

After a while, Han Zhuo Ling replied, "Not yet, I have some work left, and I'll leave a little later."

Han Zhuoli: "Hey, guess who I'm eating with?

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Han Zhuoli's nasty problem is here again.

"We were having dinner with Shi Xiaoya, but we happened to meet." Han Zhuoli quickly sent a message.

After seeing it, Han Zhuoling was wondering how he could get to the address of the restaurant without being joked by Han Zhuoli.

As a result, Han Zhuoli first sent another positioning, "Here, if you want to come, hurry up, we leave after eating. Shi Xiaoya has to go to work."

"..." Han Zhuo Ling deleted all the words he had thought of, and quickly sent another one, "I'll pass."

Han Zhuoling glanced at the work at hand, thought about it, put it in a briefcase, and planned to take it home after the party.

As a result, I received another message from Han Zhuoli, "No work?"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

You said he was cheap?

Since having a daughter-in-law, Han Zhuoli has been arrogant in a fearless manner.

Han Zhuoling was too lazy to return to him this time and went straight out of the office.

Really ...

He doesn't want to lose face!

Xiao Zhang waited in the car and saw that Han Zhuo Ling actually came out, and quickly got out of the car to open the door for Han Zhuo Ling.

I did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling came out so early this time.

Han Zhuoling sat in the back row and saw the co-pilot holding a large bouquet of roses.

Xiao Zhang explained with a smile, "Miss Shi has not been in the studio during the day. If I go to send her flowers, I'm afraid she will have no room for it. Just tonight, Miss Shi will also attend the party. Send it over. "

Xiao Zhang thinks very well.

Because Han Zhuo Ling also went, just to take this opportunity to have Han Zhuo Ling send Shi Xiaoya home, wouldn't Shi Xiaoya just take the flower conveniently?

Xiao Zhang silently praised his wit.

I have to say that this time, Han Zhuo Ling finally went with the assists.

I thought it was ok for Shi Xiaoya to be inconvenient to take flowers. At night, when he had time, he should do me a favor and take her home, so wouldn't it be convenient for Shi Xiaoya?

If it was replaced by someone else, he would definitely not give it away.

But now poem Xiaoya angry, I don't know if she is out of breath now.

Besides, the two also know how to say, the relationship is at least good to him, let Shi Xiaoya do a favor!

"Stop at the hotel door for a while. Don't send it first, wait for Shi Xiaoya to go backstage, then you will send it over." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Otherwise, in front of him, he ...

Well, I always feel embarrassed.

Han Zhuo Ling looked down unnaturally, pretending to look at his mobile phone.

In fact, no one is looking for him now.

Han Zhuoling simply took out his notebook and opened it to continue his office.

Xiao Zhang saw Han Zhuo Ling's reaction through the rearview mirror, and he suddenly had a toothache.

Why is the boss so embarrassed?

Just taking this opportunity, how good it was to send flowers in the past, and personally delivered it to Shi Xiaoya, even if Shi Xiaoya was really angry, she was embarrassed to send it out in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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