The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1512: I hope the boss can help

Chapter 1512 Hope The Boss Can Give It Away

"Miss Shi, this flower was sent by our boss." Xiao Zhang was cautious.

I don't know what Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling mean, so it's not easy to be violent in front of others.

Otherwise mention Ling Ling, who doesn't know who it is?

It's as if Han Shao can only use Han Zhuo Li.

With Han Zhuo Ling, no one dares to call himself a Ling Shao.

Shi Xiaoya took it and looked at Xu Fei. It didn't seem to have the intention to leave. Most of them wanted to see the liveliness here.

Xiao Zhang doesn't leave, as long as they don't know who it is, Xiao Zhang doesn't care if they don't see it.

Staring at Shi Xiaoya with a smile, "Miss Shi, look at the card inside."

"..." Shi Xiaoya said helplessly, "Can I watch it later?"

However, thinking of Xiao Zhang's persistent performance, Shi Xiaoya sighed, and did not expect Xiao Zhang to let her go now, and he had to take the card to take his fate.

Who knows, Xiao Zhang said, "Don't worry, today you can go to the stage and sit down and watch again."

Xiao Zhang looked at the others with a smile and said, "It's not convenient to watch here."

And sat down and looked in front of Han Zhuo Ling. After reading something, it was better to tell Han Zhuo Ling.

Lest he preach again.

Just so, let Han Zhuoling listen to Shi Xiaoya in person.

Xiao Zhang's calculation is very good. He said that he can only help here. I hope the boss can help.

Shi Xiaoya twitched, "Thank you so much."

At least she was asked to look at the cards here. In front of so many people, Shi Xiaoya really couldn't do it.

"Then I'll go first," Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

Shi Xiaoya wondered, "You don't need to stay?"

"No, I can go first." Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

Shi Xiaoya laughed and said, "Then you walk slowly."

Xiao Zhang politely said goodbye to Shi Xiaoya and left.

Jiang Yuhan heard Xiao Zhang said "boss" just now, and he said that Xiaoya chasing poetry seemed to be quite rich?

Just don't know how old.

Listening to the title of "boss", Jiang Yuhan unconsciously supplemented the image of a middle-aged fat man.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know that Jiang Yuhan thought so, and didn't bother to deal with it.

At this time, inside the school's auditorium.

The students are already seated.

The party did not pass the form of ticket sales.

Because Guodian's total number of students is not very large, so many students are recruited every year, adopting a business model.

There is one class for each major, with a maximum of four or fifty people.

This auditorium is also adequate.

Except for the guest seats, the remaining seats were full.

However, some students were still unable to occupy the seat. Fortunately, many chairs were prepared in advance, and they were temporarily placed on the aisles on both sides.

President Liu brought the school leaders to welcome Han Zhuoli and Han Zhuoling.

When Lu Man came in, he saw Zheng Yuan occupying her seat and beckoning her.

Lu Man told Han Zhuo Li: "I went there and they took a seat for me."

Han Zhuo Li looked a little far away.

"I'm all here, why do you have to sit away from me?" Han Zhuoli shook her hand and didn't want her to pass.

Principal Liu smiled: "Lu Man, you sit with Han Shao, you have already reserved a place in front of you."

When Lu Man saw this, he said, "All right, let me tell Zheng Yuan them."

Han Zhuoli nodded, and Lu Man walked over and talked to Zheng Yuan.

6 more comprehensive ~

(End of this chapter)

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