The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1520: Are you familiar with it?

Chapter 1520 Are You Familiar?

The clothes are densely packed, and the wind cannot penetrate at all. In the north of city B, they can resist the cold until December, with grace and temperature.

But it doesn't work out there.

Shi Xiaoya showed a large neck, and the wind poured in from the neck, her shrinking a bit cold.

Hiding his hands in the windbreaker's pockets, he supported the collar and narrowed his neck into the collar.

"Are you familiar with Ling Shao?" Suddenly a female voice rang out.

Such a sudden and rude, Shi Xiaoya frowned.

I already heard whose voice it was. Turning around, it turned out to be Jiang Yuhan.

Jiang Yuhan also followed her assistant.

Shi Xiaoya is a person alone, and from the picture, it seems to be a bit weak.

But Shi Xiaoya was also not polite to Jiang Yuhan, and raised her eyebrows with an ironic question: "I thought Miss Jiang had already left."

When Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling met, Jiang Yuhan was the first to leave.

Later, Ma Xiangzhang, Lianfang and Han Zhuoli left after a few greetings, followed by Shao Yuqi.

After this pass, even if Jiang Yuhan moves slowly, he shouldn't leave now.

Shi Xiaoya glanced at her, Jiang Yuhan seemed to stay intentionally, just to ask her this sentence?

Jiang Yuhan listened to her title, her mouth turned cold, and Teacher Jiang was very nice before, but now Miss Jiang.

Relying on the good relationship with Lu Man, so arrogant!

"Do you know Ling Shao?" Jiang Yuhan asked again.

I am really attached to this problem.

Shi Xiaoya felt that she really did not have this obligation to satisfy Jiang Yuhan's curiosity in this regard, and said coldly: "Know."

Jiang Yuhan looked sharply and asked unwillingly: "Are you familiar?"

Shi Xiaoya perfunctoryly said: "Cooperated."

"Is that familiar?" Jiang Yuhan asked politely.

She was eager to get a positive answer from Shi Xiaoya.

In fact, according to Shi Xiaoya's answer, she was already saying that she was not familiar with Han Zhuo Ling.

However, Jiang Yuhan just wanted to make Shi Xiaoya more clear and prove it himself.

Shi Xiaoya was too lazy to deal with her, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Even if I am unfamiliar, you can still get acquainted with Ling Shaochu?" Shi Xiaoya said unabashedly.

Jiang Yuhan's eyes were so cold that Shi Xiaoya was completely offended to death today.

But since Shi Xiaoya was not familiar with Han Zhuo Ling, she was relieved.

At this time, Jiang Yuhan's car stopped in front of his eyes.

Jiang Yuhan satirized Shi Xiaoya with a satire, and then sat in the car.

For Jiang Yuhan's attitude, Shi Xiaoya didn't take it seriously.

After a while, Shi Xiaoya saw Han Zhuo Ling's car appear far away.

When he stopped the car in front of him, Shi Xiaoya hurriedly got into the car.

There was heating in the car. As soon as she came in, she was coaxed by the heating, and she was relaxed.

Xu was cold outside for a long time, and suddenly it became warmer, and the cold and hot alternated, her face suddenly became very red.

Shi Xiaoya took her hand out of her windbreaker pocket and moved her fingers.

When Han Zhuo Ling met, he said, "Why don't you wait indoors."

There was heating in the room, and she wouldn't be so cold.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She forgot it.

Han Zhuo Ling asked her to wait, she was really stupid waiting outside, and didn't know to go indoor first.

"Forget." Shi Xiaoya answered honestly.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't know what to think, and laughed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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