The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1523: Dumbfounded

Chapter 1523: Silly Eye

"When you were recording the show before, you did n’t use you, you, it was quite natural." Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "Do n’t you forgive me?"

Shi Xiaoya quickly waved her hand, "It's really okay. I'm used to calling it that way. Plus ... maybe you're serious now. When you're recording the show, you're wearing ordinary and casual clothes, unlike now, Suits and shoes, just look ... "

People can't help but use people's honorifics and dare not presumptuous.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

He exhaled, "Don't use you after that, listen rusty."

It was uncomfortable to hear the word from her mouth.

It seems as if they are familiar.

Shi Xiaoya thought to herself, but couldn't help but, maybe her relationship with Han Zhuo Ling is better than the average person?

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya nodded.

Han Zhuoli just let it go. When Shi Xiaoya passed by Han Zhuo Ling, she looked up at him and smiled.

Just two steps forward, I heard Han Zhuoling said, "Wait."

Shi Xiaoya stopped again and looked back at him.

I saw Han Zhuoling striding over and said, "I'll send you up."

Shi Xiaoya looked at him in surprise and wanted to say no, she was in a good neighborhood.

Although she started her own business, her family members can't let her go wrong outside.

I bought a house for her in this neighborhood.

Because the various supporting facilities in this community are well done, even the security is very good, and people who are unclear are definitely unable to enter.

She lives outside by herself, at least in terms of security, and the rest of the family can rest assured.

And the building where she lives is designed by the elevator.

When she got out of the elevator, it was her house.

If Han Zhuoling sends her up, then not ...

Shi Xiaoya hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, the law and order here is especially good. You should have seen it when you came in. If you didn't know it, the security guard would not put it in. And I usually come back by myself.

"That's different." Han Zhuo Ling was very gentleman. "You come back by yourself and there is no one around. That is no way. But since I am here, I can't leave you alone."

Han Zhuo Ling frowned slightly. "Relax, I'll take you to the door without any other thoughts."

Shi Xiaoya scratched her head and said, embarrassed, "I didn't think too much. You say this as if I'm defending you."

The latter half of the sentence was murmured, not loud, but Han Zhuo Ling heard it clearly.

Hearing clearly, instead of being unhappy, he also smiled.

I just felt that she was too kind to herself, how to look awkward.

Now listening to her still has a little emotional meaning, apparently relaxing again in front of him.

How could he be upset?

"Let's go." Han Zhuo Ling's voice was all smiles.

Shi Xiaoya wasn't sure if she was right, so she didn't ask much, so she obediently followed Han Zhuoling.

Han Zhuo Ling pressed the elevator.

The elevator was parked on the first floor, so there was no need to wait, the elevator door opened.

Han Zhuoling entered Shi Xiaoya's door, Shi Xiaoya took the elevator and opened the elevator before pressing the floor again.

Han Zhuoling watched silently, reassured a lot of security issues here.

When the elevator stopped and the door opened, Han Zhuolin was dumbfounded.

In front of you is a spacious corridor.

On the left is a solid wood leather stool next to the wall, and on the opposite side is a shoe cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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