The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1527: After what

Chapter 1527: What After

Shi Xiaoya could not conceal the surprise, but did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling would like to eat spicy food.

Qin Zigou couldn't eat. Sometimes the two of them worked together and ate together. They could only accommodate the dishes that he didn't eat spicyly, and Shi Xiaoya had no taste in his mouth.

Shonan is one of the most spicy places in the country.

"For dishes, don't eat green pepper, garlic, broccoli, daylily. Most of the mushrooms are not eaten. Of course, if it can cover the taste of the mushrooms, I can. So is the fish. If there is a fishy smell, I will not eat them. "Han Zhuoling said carefully. "Sauerkraut fish like tonight is not bad. The fish doesn't smell fishy. I can accept it."

Shi Xiaoya was stunned. What she meant was just to let Han Zhuo Ling say a few things, anyway, her family had limited ingredients, and it was good to say that he did n’t eat in this range.

Who knew that Han Zhuo Ling had counted her down.

There are so many things she doesn't have!

Don't say that he doesn't like to eat, even if he wants to eat it.

"I can only think of so much for the time being." Han Zhuo Ling looked at her, "I think of it later, I will tell you again."

"Oh." Shi Xiaoya was going to be dizzy by Han Zhuo Ling, and nodded stupidly.

After nodding, I found that it was wrong.

What later!

"Then make a plain noodle?" Shi Xiaoya took out a box of cabbage from the refrigerator. "Has cabbage, do you eat shiitake mushrooms? Put another omelette. If you like spicy food, you can add a few drops of chili oil because At night, do n’t eat too spicy, or you will feel a stomach burn when you sleep. "

"Yes." The satisfaction on Han Zhuo Ling's face was so obvious that he even hooked his lips.

Shi Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you can sit in the living room and wait, watch TV or whatever. It's good to cook noodles quickly, and it's good."

Han Zhuoling nodded, and when he came to the kitchen door, he stopped again and asked her, "Can I see your house?"

"Yes." Shi Xiaoya nodded generously, anyway, even her bedroom was cleaned up, there was nothing embarrassing to put outside, such as inner clothes.

Wanting to come to Han Zhuo Ling is just a look.

This is like the first time a friend has come to his home, he must visit it.

She thinks that Han Zhuo Ling is not the kind of person who would just turn over boxes in other people's homes. This is how rude it is.

Looking at Han Zhuoling's indifferent look, it was not as vigorous as curiosity.

"You might as well show me around," Han Zhuo Ling said again.

"But the noodles ..." Shi Xiaoya looked at the ingredients and put them out, but she didn't have time to go to the pan.

"Don't worry about it later," Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya said that he was not hungry?

I can't worry anymore.

Grunting in his heart, he still fulfilled the responsibility of a host, and took Han Zhuoling around the house.

Fortunately, the family is not big. While taking Han Zhuo Ling to the living room, Shi Xiaoya explained, "The family was also worried that I would encounter unsafe things outside, so I chose to buy a house here for me. Because only I live alone and I don't buy much. "

"But because of the nature of my work, I also need a work room, so I set up this three-bedroom and two-living room. This is the living room, and it's nothing." Shi Xiaoya herself was used to it.

But Han Zhuoling first saw such a warm place.

He usually does not inquire about the decoration of the home. In the European house, how Xia Yixin came to be luxurious and generous, most of it was European court style.

The rest of the day is more, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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