The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1566: Who do you say will pick you up?

Chapter 1566: Who Do You Say Will Pick You Up?

Is this question so difficult to answer?

"No ..." Shi Xiaoya knew she couldn't escape, and said straight away, "Han Zhuo Ling came to pick me up."

"Look!" Guo Yujie exclaimed.

Noise can penetrate the elevator.

Fortunately no one was in the elevator.

Guo Yujie stepped back in shock, and his entire back was affixed to the elevator wall.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

"You ... who do you say will pick you up?" This time the stuttered person replaced Guo Yujie.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed to say it again.

Although she didn't think there was anything, she was embarrassed to say it.

"Han Zhuo Ling, you said that Han Zhuo Ling came to pick you up?" Guo Yujie held her face, "You also said that you have nothing to do with Han Zhuo Ling!"

After a pause, Guo Yujie suddenly rushed to Shi Xiaoya again, "Aren't you two dating?"

Guo Yujie touched his chin with his fingers, nodded his head, and analyzed, "No wonder he just asked if he was chasing you. You don't admit it, it was already together."

"Don't have too much imagination!" Shi Xiaoya was stunned.

Guo Yujie didn't believe his face. Although he didn't say it, he wrote on his face: "Not in love, Han Zhuoling will pick you up?"

Shi Xiaoya can't always say that Han Zhuoling came for a tie.

Why is the tie in her hand?

Because last night Han Zhuo Ling went to her house.

If you really want to say this, it will be completely unclear, and it will be difficult to listen to people without misunderstanding.

Shi Xiaoya said, "He just came to invite me for a meal and solemnly apologized to me."

"I believe it." Guo Yujie said very carelessly.

"Really." Shi Xiaoya said, eating was eating together, it was just that she made it for him.

She's not all lying.

"Just ... Yifan 泯 En Qiu." Shi Xiaoya explained very hard.

"Okay, okay." Guo Yujie's answer became more perfunctory.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

It seems that the explanation is unclear.

The two got out of the elevator together and came out of the office building. Shi Xiaoya was planning to find Han Zhuo Ling's car, and saw that the door of a phantom was opened in front of him, and Han Zhuo Ling got out of the car.

"Ling Shao." Shi Xiaoya cried.

Guo Yujie also called out and said immediately, "Then I'm gone."

"Wait, aren't you going to go back to your parents?" I kept it out because I was afraid of Guo Yujie's misunderstanding, but now that I have misunderstood it, I can't hide it anyway, it's just the way. .

However, this must be agreed by Han Zhuoling.

Shi Xiaoya carefully looked like Han Zhuoling, "Parents and daughters of Yu Jie went well."

Han Zhuoling didn't care about this, anyway, he just nodded and was about to speak.

Guo Yujie's righteous rejection, "Not going the way! No, not going at all!"

She didn't want to stay as a light bulb.

Immediately waved goodbye to them, "I'm leaving now!"

Then Ma Liu left.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Han Zhuo Ling didn't feel much about Guo Yujie leaving or not. At this moment, he slightly retracted his eyes and opened the copilot's door to Shi Xiaoya, "Get in the car."

Shi Xiaoya hurried into the car, and when Han Zhuo Ling closed, she fastened her seat belt.

Han Zhuo Ling called up the navigation, checked the supermarkets that he would pass by, and took Shi Xiaoya to the supermarket first.

When entering the parking lot, the car stopped steadily, and Han Zhuo Ling suddenly said, "You asked me about my taste last night, and forgot to say your own taste."

Shi Xiaoya got out of the car, followed Han Zhuo Ling to take the elevator to the supermarket, and said, "I'm okay, I don't have any picky food. I especially like spicy food, but also like sour, especially hot and sour."

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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