The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1571: 1603-1604 is the same paragraph as her

Chapter 1571 1603-1604 Is The Same Paragraph As Her

After speaking, he hurried back to the room, and Ma Li changed his clothes within a few minutes.

When she came out again, Han Zhuo Ling saw Shi Xiaoya had put on loose and comfortable home clothes, furry, and looked extremely soft.

Han Zhuo Ling remembered the person who had a video call with her last night, but the color tonight was different.

"Same as last night?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

Shi Xiaoya nodded embarrassed, "The patterns are different, but I like them quite a bit, so I bought some colors back."

Han Zhuo Ling looked at Shi Xiaoya from the beginning to the end, and finally fell on her feet.

Shi Xiaoya was weird, and she followed it, only to find that he bought the same model as her.

Light gray slippers are like ... just like couple slippers.

Shi Xiaoya was shocked and couldn't say a word.

Han Zhuo Ling ticked his lips and said, "It's a coincidence."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

It happens to be ...

Why didn't she notice that the slippers bought by Han Zhuoling were the same as hers?

It was a stop next to Han Zhuo Ling, and her brain was the same as that of Bai.

Shi Xiaoya blushed and ran to get an apron to fasten herself.

Although there are few chances to get started, the home is well stocked.

"Ling Shao, you can just wait and feel free. I don't have a place where you can't go." Her home was so big anyway, but it wasn't really good-looking.

As she said, Shi Xiaoya was wearing plastic gloves and preparing to clean the crayfish.

Although the supermarket has already been cleaned again.

But that was just a general cleaning. Shi Xiaoya felt that it would be safer to clean it again.

Han Zhuo Ling understood her intentions and stopped her. "Leave this kind of thing to me, and you prepare something else."

"Leave me anything else to wash." Han Zhuo Ling said, "You are a makeup artist. Your hands are very important and you can't hurt them."

Shi Xiaoya feels that his hand to sign documents is equally important.

Signed projects are worth hundreds of millions of minutes, which is very expensive.

"It's inconvenient for you to dress like this. It won't be good to splash on you." Han Zhuo Ling took off his coat and loosened his tie. Now he is wearing a shirt and three buttons unbuttoned, not as meticulous as before.

These were obviously done while Shi Xiaoya was changing clothes.

But Rao is like this, this is not a convenient dress.

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhuoling finished, narrowing his eyes suddenly, "or do you even have men's home clothes here?"

"Of course it's gone, even if you want to wear it, I can't change it for you." Shi Xiaoya said, "So you go and sit."

"No need, just do it," Han Zhuo Ling said, "I'll help you together, otherwise I don't know when this meal will be available."

Shi Xiaoya thought in her heart, they came back very early, now it's only 4:30, and it's a normal time to eat at 6:30.

But Han Zhuoling insisted that Shi Xiaoya could only obediently take off the plastic gloves and hand them to Han Zhuoling.

When he saw his gloves on, he noticed that his hands were particularly good-looking.

People who look good are actually always more dominant.

The first impression of a person is important.

Shi Xiaoya is an out-of-the-box appearance association, otherwise it would not be so easy for Han Zhuoling to lead her nose away.

It's not because he looks good.

Here in Shi Xiaoya, the value of the face is first, and the good-looking hand is the second.

But did not expect Han Zhuoling to take all.

But soon, the hands with clear joints and very clean nails were blocked by plastic gloves.

Shi Xiaoya had no time to look carefully, and she was full of regret.

Han Zhuo Ling looked at the corner of the eye, I don't know what this little girl thinks, the expression on her face is so rich, it seems to be very sorry.

Shi Xiaoya pulled her ears and took out a toothbrush specially for cleaning, to Han Zhuo Ling, "Just use this, focus on the belly."

Fortunately, they didn't buy much, although it was a pound, but because of its large size, it was about twenty.

"Then the scallops and oysters, their shells are dirty, and you have to brush them like this." Shi Xiaoya put everything in his hands.

A new apron was found, and Shi Xiaoya now saw it a little.

He does n’t use it for others.

He explained, "This apron is clean. It is usually kept at home for changing clothes."

Han Zhuo Ling saw that this apron was also cute, and she knew it was Shi Xiaoya.

"You help me put it on." Han Zhuo Ling raised her hands to her and explained, "It is inconvenient to wear gloves."

And the glove has touched the crayfish, it is wet and not clean.

Shi Xiaoya didn't think of anything else. When she saw Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head, she raised the neckline of the apron to put him in his neck.

It's just that Han Zhuo Ling was a little tall even if she bent down and bowed her head. Shi Xiaoya had to stand on her feet.

As a result, he just put on him and stood on his feet. The poet Xiaoya shook forward a little.

Subconsciously, she went to the nearest place to help her, and as a result, she helped her on Han Zhuoling's shoulder.

Han Zhuo Ling was lowering his head, and his lips were almost rubbing Shi Xiaoya's forehead.

She looked up subconsciously, and wondered how Han Zhuo Ling kept his head down.

As a result, she raised her head so that she faced Han Zhuoling's face and was so close.

As long as Han Zhuo Ling or her, one of them can go forward a little bit to kiss each other.

Shi Xiaoya paused.

Han Zhuo Ling did not expect that she would suddenly look up, the first time she was so close to her.

Even when she put on her makeup, neither of them was so close.

When she was about to step back in a hurry, he was suddenly gripped by his waist

Shi Xiaoya looked at him nervously, "Ling ... Ling Shao ..."

Han Zhuo Ling didn't seem to hear her. She held her waist with both hands and felt that her waist was a little too thin.

The fingertips of his two hands were about to touch together.

Thinking about this, Han Zhuo Ling involuntarily added a little strength and gathered her waist.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

How do you feel he is pinching her waist!

The sixth is about 1: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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