The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1577: A little scary

Chapter 1577 A Little Scary

Han Zhuo Ling smiled, "I've seen this at a dinner before. Besides, Mr. Shi is young and promising. Why can't he recognize it?"

Shi Nancang was very happy, "Ling Shao lives here?"

"No, come and see a friend." Han Zhuo Ling explained.

Si Nancang never thought that the man standing opposite was coming to his sister's house.

Otherwise, no matter who he is, Shi Nancang must not be as good-tempered as he is now, and he is smiling at Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling also pretended to ask, "Mr. Shi live here?"

"No, it's my sister. She lives here alone. She's going on a business trip tomorrow. I'll send her something." Shinan Cangyang raised the bag in Yang's hand and was quite large.

Han Zhuoling noticed this.

"It turned out that Lingmei also lived here, it was a coincidence." Han Zhuo Ling looked serious, and no one could see that he was pretending.

"I remember that Lingmei was owned by Hanbang and is a well-known makeup artist in China." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Although she is under Hanbang, she owns a studio outside of her, so even if I am in Hanbang, Never seen her. "

Shi Nancang didn't expect that Han Zhuo Ling even knew Shi Xiaoya, and he was especially proud at once, and felt that his sister was really excellent.

"Then don't bother you first, there will be time someday, let's talk again." Han Zhuo Ling said to Shi Nancang again.

Although Han Zhuo Ling thought that what he said was likely to be polite, he was glad to agree.

Han Zhuo Ling watched Shi Nancang enter the elevator, and the elevator door didn't close so quickly. When Shi Nan Cang saw that Han Zhuo Ling didn't leave, he had to watch the elevator door close.

Taking out the card from his pocket, he smiled politely at Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes fell on the card in Shi Nancang's hand, his eyes narrowed.

Shi Nancang has a card for Shi Xiaoya's house, but he doesn't.

Shi Nancang's smile was stiff and trembling, and his heart said why Han Zhuo Ling had not left.

Want to watch him leave?

This attitude is also great.

Finally, seeing that the elevator door was about to be closed, Shi Nancang quickly waved to Han Zhuo Ling, "Ling Shao, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Han Zhuo Ling nodded slightly.

When the elevator door was closed, Shi Nancang was relieved and couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect Ling Shao to be so kind."

Kindness is kindness, which is a bit scary.

I don't know which of his friends lived with Shi Xiaoya.

Because the place this family bought for Shi Xiaoya is really high-end, even if a friend of Han Zhuo Ling lives here, Shi Nancang is not surprised.


Shi Xiaoya sent Han Zhuo Ling away and returned to prepare to take out her suitcase to pack her luggage, but she always felt like she had forgotten something very important.

But I couldn't remember how important it was to forget.

She also thought that if it was so important, she would not forget it.

Probably not so important.

So Shi Xiaoya went back to the living room with a big heart, and she saw something on the sofa, so familiar.

When I walked over, it turned out to be Han Zhuo Ling's tie!

Shi Xiaoya fiercely patted her head, and finally remembered the important thing that she had forgotten, and what it was.

She forgot to give him back the tie that Han Zhuo Ling had left here!

Did n’t Han Zhuoling come here today to get his tie back?

It turned out well, people came, and food ate, but she forgot to give someone a tie!

Not only did he not return the tie that Han Zhuoling dropped here yesterday, today he also dropped a new tie here!

6 more comprehensive ~

(End of this chapter)

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