The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1582: Finally opened

Chapter 1582: Finally Opened

Lin Liye: "..."

Why do you think this little son is so indifferent?

"There is a live broadcast one day, you must tell me." Lin Liye said calmly.

Han Zhuofeng: "..."

Han Zhuofeng held it like this, Lin Liye couldn't see clearly.

Simply took the phone, zoomed in and looked closely.

"Don't say, that face is much softer than he usually is." Lin Liye moved his fingers and sent these photos to her WeChat.

Returning the phone to Han Zhuofeng, Lin Liye sent the photos to the old lady.

"Mom, look at Zhuo Ling. I don't know what to watch there. The expression is gentle." Lin Liye said more exaggeratedly than Han Zhuofeng.

Han Zhuofeng admired her very much, and she could see "be gentle" from Han Zhuo Ling's subtle expression.

I did not expect the old lady to be more exaggerated, "Know it! Get it! This kid is finally getting it!"

Lin Liye couldn't help but ran outside Han Zhuoling's door.

At this point Han Zhuo Ling had closed the door. I wonder if it was because he found that Han Zhuo Feng was just outside his door.

Lin Liye knocked on the door of Han Zhuo Ling's room, and said outside the door, "Zuo Ling, have you slept?"

After a while, the door opened.

Han Zhuoling stood in front of Lin Liye in pajamas. "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Hehe, it's okay." Lin Liye smiled, glanced at the mobile phone that was lying on the bed behind him, lit up, and asked, "What about chatting with people?"

Han Zhuo Ling said for a moment, "It's the mobile system notification."

Lin Liye: "..."

"How do you know without seeing it?" Lin Liye asked impatiently.

Han Zhuoling said calmly, "I just know."

Lin Liye: "..."

From Han Zhuo Ling, he could not ask at all, Lin Liye unwillingly looked at the mobile phone behind Han Zhuo Ling.

It was just a long way away, and the screen of the mobile phone was so big, she could not see anything, so she had to let him go.


After talking to Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya clicked into the album and went to see the picture of the crayfish dressed as a string while she was eating.

After watching it for a while, I opened Weibo, posted the photo, and added the text: "I heard that it is a popular way of eating now."

Don't mention Han Zhuoling's name, even if someone helped her peel the crayfish, she didn't dare to say it.

So as not to make Han Zhuo Ling misunderstand that she deliberately said these plausible things, just like touching porcelain.

Rao is so, and some fans in the comments asked her, "Is it my boyfriend, or did I peel it myself?"

"Xiao Ya is single, isn't it?"

"I guess it was peeled by others, because there are tableware on the opposite side of the photo. It is obviously a sitting person. I just don't know what relationship with Xiaoya."

"It was miserable that Han Dashao paid attention to Xiaoya yesterday. Today, Xiaoya has someone peel her crayfish for her, and feels sorry for Han Dashao for a second."

"Do n’t you bring Han Zhuoling? You obviously have nothing to do with Han Zhuo Ling, what kind of porcelain do you touch?"

"Isn't it just that Han Zhuo Ling is paying attention to? Do you dare to pull Han Zhuoling on everything?"

"It's just a bunch of crayfish. I don't want to make it clear. You have to think it was someone else? It's too deep."

"Just kidding, some people don't have to react so much."

"Xiao Ya said that it is the same style of Internet celebrity, do you say anything else? When it comes to porcelain, Xiao Ya has not said anything else from the beginning to the end, and did not publish any suggestive slander. It's really interesting that you are seated in the right place. "

This is the fifth change. There are more changes today, and three more changes during the day. Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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