The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1585: Don't take advantage

Chapter 1585 Don't Take Advantage

Netizens have one thing right.

Han Zhuo Ling's watchlist is only his sister of the opposite sex.

His sister is so good, it is hard to guarantee that Han Zhuo Ling has no idea!

I also thought that Han Zhuo Ling had deliberately praised Shi Xiaoya in front of him tonight. Although Shi Nancang did not think about the place where Han Zhuo Ling was going, he still felt that Han Zhuoling was ambitious!

No, he must pay attention!

Shi Xiaoya will not let him reveal Shi Xiaoya's family background, but Shi Nancang can do nothing now.

He can't stand it!

Shi Nancang immediately called out his friends.

They are also some tycoons who usually play more than him.

But people play and go back to work, and they haven't left any work.

And love to play a lot of points, others play are also serious things.

It can be said that surfing, skydiving and rock climbing are very healthy.

Shi Nancang: "A squeaking noise, report the current address."

"What are you doing?"

"Are you coming for me? It's not good at night."

"Shengyue Room 2302, come to me in half an hour."

Shi Nancang: "Get off yours. Du Ma Liu's address, serious business, my sister was bullied by netizens!"

"What? Dare to bully our sister?"

Shi Nancang: "Who is your sister, don't take advantage!"

"Sinancang, who is in the trough, find us when you want to help, and don't let us cry when you help, you are too much."

Even so, they reported their current addresses one by one.

They are not necessarily all at home.

You can tell from the address that some are drinking at the bar, some are on business trips, and some are really at home.

Shi Nancang: "I'll send you a box of crayfish."

Shi Nancang showed them the pictures of Shi Xiaoya, "Just string them like this and post them on Weibo."

Everyone: "..."

All right, they're fine now anyway.

It is also fun in the bar.

On the night of the business trip, I had finished my business, and now I was in the hotel, and even seriously rejected the suggestion that the other party called Nenmo to accompany him.

So, according to their location, Shi Nancang went to the takeaway app and called the nearby crayfish for them.

After more than an hour, the boys and brothers tweeted.

They are all pictures of the crayfish being peeled and skewered on bamboo sticks, but the backgrounds are different, and the hands holding the bamboo sticks are different, so people can see that this is definitely not the same picture.

But the words are almost the same: "Internet celebrities eat new."

There are a total of seven or eight people, all of which have the same model.

Netizens were shocked, "What's going on? Is it a good day to eat crayfish? Tonight, why not eat them all? Just eat them all the same way."

"Do you guys get together to eat crayfish?"

"Of course it's impossible. You look at different backgrounds. Some are at home, some are in bars, and some are in hotels."

"But eating together, even the words are the same. What's the situation?"

Some netizens said, "No ... it's not related to Shi Xiaoya, right? She also sent out similar pictures and text."

"Don't make a fuss, you can go through Weibo, don't have too many people sending crayfish every day, so many stars use these to take pictures, why is it because Shi Xiaoya? How big is her face?"

"But no one except Shi Xiaoya tonight."

8 more complete, ask for a monthly pass ~

(End of this chapter)

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