The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1595: You are young

Chapter 1595: You Are Still Young

Shi Xiaoya squinted slightly, and then knew it again.

"You don't seem surprised." Han Zhuo Ling drove and took a moment to look at her.

The corner of his mouth was enough for Shi Xiaoya's calm response.

"It's not that I haven't gone through it. I have to compete all the way up to now. It wasn't me who picked customers, but customers picked me. Don't say it's behind the scenes, it's a third-tier artist who can make makeup for others. It's a special one for me. A rare opportunity. With few resources, you have to fight, and you will inevitably be tripped up when you are in competition. "Shi Xiaoya said of the previous events without emotion.

Because it's all a thing of the past.

"There was a chance to compete in a film crew as a make-up artist. It was a year ago when Li Mingguan directed" Tianjiao ". The movie directed by Li Mingguan has always been very rare. That play was joined by Gao Zishan and Dong Qinrong at the same time. Two movie directors. So at that time I was also fighting for the opportunity to enter the group. But at that time there was also a peer who was also fighting for it. We were each recommended by two senior artists. However, the two seniors are recommended by the crew at most. If we can, we still have to fight for more. "

Shi Xiaoya smiled, "So at that time, I really didn't get splashed with black water. That was also the first time I knew that I could still hire a navy to black opponents and increase my competitive chips."

"I remember you were in the group that time?" Han Zhuoling asked.

He didn't know the competitor at the time, but if he remembers it right, Shi Xiaoya made his name with that movie.

She was shortlisted for the best makeup award of the Huayi Awards, but because of her junior qualifications, she still lost to seniors in the industry.

Many domestic awards are like this. What pays attention to you is your status, connections, rights, qualifications, and strength.

He didn't pay much attention at that time, only knowing that Shi Xiaoya was shortlisted, but he failed to win.

"Huh." Shi Xiaoya nodded. "At that time, someone was scolding me every day. At that time, my mentality was not as good as it is now. I don't know if someone hired a sailor. So it was quite uncomfortable at that time. I hide at home when I work, and do n’t want to be in contact with the outside world. I ’m more afraid than not being willing. ”

At that time, those naive words were all said.

She said that she sells positions, and she has a poor relationship with her teacher Liu Jingping. She also said that her private life is chaotic. Taking advantage of the opportunity to make makeup for male artists, he took the initiative to make appointments with others, saying that her makeup skills are average, but the technology on the bed is too good. and many more.

At that time, many people really believed in these slanderous words.

"At that time, Qin Zigou put pressure on Weibo and deleted all these topics. My brother went to investigate and found out who did it. Then my teacher came in person to talk to the crew, and eventually I got into the group." Poem Xiaoya dripped and said, "But I didn't think I had won at all."

"At that time, I was quite depressed, and felt that I was useless at all. I didn't have the ability, but in the end I still had to rely on friends, my brother, and my teacher. By myself, I might have been defeated at that time. Now. "

"No." Han Zhuo Ling tapped the steering wheel with his fingers. "If you don't have the strength, you can't do anything even if you force you into the crew. You were still young."

Han Zhuo Ling paused and found that it was.

The fifth is at 1: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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