The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1601: I don't know which one is in love

Chapter 1601: I Do n’t Know Which One Is In Love

He is willing to work, and she doesn't care about him.

I don't want any extravagant love from him, as long as I guarantee my extravagant life.

Besides, think about how beautiful Han Zhuo Ling looks.

Even if she looks for it later, I'm afraid she won't find it so good.

When the two were married, she was very happy when she knew that she would marry Han Zhuo Ling.

Because of Han Zhuoling's face.

He looks good and handsome.

Xia Yixin is really cherishing a longing for good.

But she slapped her realistically, and Han Zhuo Ling didn't love her.

But now Xia Yixin suddenly wanted to understand, even if she went to find someone who loved her, no Han Zhuoling looked good, and no Han Zhuoling was rich.

It doesn't matter if Han Zhuo Ling doesn't love her. It is good enough to look at Han Zhuo Ling's face every day.

Han Zhuoling works like a machine, and his wife is a furnishing to him.

He simply wanted to be obedient without disturbing his furnishing wife.

All this, now she can do it.

Instead of going to find someone else and asking others to do the same, Han Zhuoling needs to re-run, so she might as well remarry her.

Neither of them need to run in. It will be tacit understanding.

Xia Yixin consciously thought very well. Based on her "knowledge" of Han Zhuo Ling, that machine-like man would never love a man in his life. He didn't know what love is, and what it means to love.

She can stand it.

When Xia Yixin was thinking so, she received a WeChat from her girlfriend Guan Qiaoxin.

The one who took the picture at the airport.

Guan Qiaoxin is one of the few people Xia Yixin has contacted since her divorce.

The relationship between the two is really good.

After her accident, Guan Qiaoxin did not fail.

Compared to Dai still, it is really much better.

Xia Yixin opened the dialog box of Tong Qiaoxin, and saw a few photos sent by Guan Qiaoxin.

"Yi Xin, I saw your ex-husband at the airport."

Xia Yixin looked at the photo, she couldn't believe that the man in the photo would be Han Zhuo Ling!

Han Zhuo Ling laughed!

Although his smile was shallow, his expression was softer than ever.

This has never been seen by Xia Yixin.

It is ridiculous that she was the wife of Han Zhuo Ling, but she has never seen her husband look so gentle!

Seeing that Han Zhuoling actually helped the two women in the photo to carry luggage, judging from the previous image, they were almost unrecognizable.

That workaholic allowed himself to waste time on it!

Later, I saw another photo. In the security inspection team, Han Zhuoling was talking to the two women in the photo.

From the photos alone, I really can't see to whom Han Zhuo Ling is gentle.

Xia Yixin immediately called Guan Qiaoxin and said, "What's the matter? In the two women, what is the fox essence?"

"I don't know." Guan Qiaoxin said, "I don't even know who they are. I'm afraid they will be found, so I'm so far apart that I can't hear them."

"I just heard you say that Han Zhuo Ling was so impersonal, as if she had no feelings. I saw it just now, but it wasn't like that. It looked good, and I was busy for the two women. , I do n’t know which one is in love. "

"Impossible!" Xia Yixin denied sharply. "How long has he been divorced, how could he be with others so quickly?"

10 more comprehensive, tired looking for a monthly pass ~

(End of this chapter)

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