The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1605: Inflated

Chapter 1605 Inflated

It is by virtue of these that we get better job opportunities again and again.

Wei Zilin did not provide direct evidence, but first let out the wind to make people guess.

For a few days, people first let these winds go online.

Like these gossips, whether there is any evidence, as long as someone says it, netizens like to make fun of it, and they really like to listen.

Yuan Yina's number of fans is far worse than that of Shi Xiaoya.

Even if you are willing to maintain it, you can't help it.

Even if the evidence is not released, it has already made such a bad impression for Yuan Yina in the hearts of most netizens.

Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie returned from the city.

After getting off the plane, both of them sat in the studio's car, and they were tired.

The city is too cold, even if they are both north, they cannot stand the city.

Back in City B, I immediately felt that City B was as warm as spring.

In a short period of four days, Shi Xiaoya's skin was roughened by the wind blowing across the city.

There was still red blood on his cheeks.

Guo Yujie is also tired enough to say that the show "Survivor" can really be a mess.

Going to such a cold place is to make the audience feel the weather there, so do n’t waste the thick snow scene, highlight the difficulty of the game.

So the second episode was set up outdoors.

Guo Yujie is okay. He doesn't need to follow the artist, but Shi Xiaoya is going to wear snow boots, struggling to trek in the thick snow.

Even with snow boots, your feet are cold.

But now that Guo Yujie is tired, he doesn't want to sleep.

Just take out your phone and brush.

Lowering the back of the chair and lying on the chair, this brush doesn't matter, she was shocked that she almost hit her face with her mobile phone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Guo Yujie laughed happily.

Shi Xiaoya was confused and didn't fall asleep, she just felt tired.

I used to sleep on the plane for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Shi Xiaoya turned around and saw Guo Yujie laughing like a lunatic.

"Unexpectedly, Yuan Yina also has today." Guo Yujie smiled and said to Shi Xiaoya, "Now she is spreading her makeup skills on the Internet, all relying on the resources from her sleep."

Shi Xiaoya opened her mouth in surprise.

"But there is no evidence on the Internet, it's just spreading. It's all from a certain insider who broke the news, or the relatives of the person who broke the news, and friends who are insiders, who revealed it in various circumstances." Guo Yujie said. Even if there is no evidence, netizens really believe it. "

"How could it suddenly--" How could Yuan Yina suddenly burst out?

When Shi Xiaoya said half, she wouldn't say anything.

Because she still remembers the morning when she went to Manchuria, Han Zhuoling came to pick her up and mentioned Yuan Yina intentionally.

Said that rhythmic sailors were hired by Yuan Yina.

As a result, he mentioned it a few days later, and Yuan Yina had something like this.

This made Shi Xiaoya have to think about Han Zhuo Ling's body, I don't know if he shot it.

But I felt like I was inflated, and I dared to think so.

Who is she?

Is it worth Han Zhuoling to spend so much time supporting her?

Impossible, don't paste gold on your face.

At first, I wanted to ask Han Zhuoling, but now I have been restrained.

"Yeah, how could it be so sudden?" Guo Yujie was also curious, "I don't know who Yuan Yina offended again?"

Shi Xiaoya didn't tell Guo Yujie that Yuan Yina hired the sailors to give her rhythm.

There are 2 more ~

(End of this chapter)

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