The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1610: What are they talking about?

Chapter 1610 What Are They Saying?

All these need to be created by Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya came to the background and met Lu Man.

Director Deng Xu also came in person.

"Guide Deng." Shi Xiaoya said hello when she saw Deng Xu.

"It's Xiaoya." Deng Xu and Shi Xiaoya are no strangers, "I didn't expect to find you, who did you come to make up for?"

"Come to diffuse the road," Shi Xiaoya explained.

Deng Xu was not surprised at all. Of all the people in the four schools, the only way to invite Shi Xiaoya was long.

"Haha, I'll rest assured when you give comics to Lu." After Deng Xu finished, he went to do something else.

Shi Xiaoya chose a yellowish and darker foundation to apply makeup to Lu Man, to create a female character with a yellowish appearance.

"I have watched the film" After Sunset ", but also to see how other makeup artists create the makeup in the film." Shi Xiaoya put on Lu Man while applying makeup, "but there are lighting and tuning in the film In the past, the makeup of the stage could not exactly follow the movie. "

Lu Man only felt that Shi Xiaoya was holding a brush and painting on her face.

She stared at herself in the mirror, from her original white complexion to her waxy yellow.

It was also very natural, as if she was really malnourished and received abuse.

The cheeks were then sunken in visually.

I saw Shi Xiaoya applying a patch on her face, and when she swept it, there were yellow spots on her bun and the corners of her eyes.

"You're too good." Lu Man marveled.

At this time, the students of the New York Exchange Group also came in.

In this competition, the school did not provide any special treatment for anyone, and prepared a separate dressing room.

Everyone wears makeup in this unified big dressing room.

If it's not enough, then make up for it. Whoever finishes the drawing first will give up a seat.

Of course, this situation does not exist at this time.

Because the majority of students in each school team are still small and transparent in the entertainment circle, no one will compete with the few people in the team.

For example, Lu Man and Shana are naturally sitting in front of a serious dressing table and wearing a mirror with light when wearing makeup.

If the position is not enough, then temporarily find a chair and a mirror provided by the makeup artist to make up.

The main force of each team still has a seat.

Halfway through the comics, people from the New York exchange group came in.

They just changed their costumes for the show.

Looking at their costumes is like performing a drama like Shakespeare.

Shana and Howard naturally sat in front of one of the few dressing tables, and the rest sat in tables and chairs that were temporarily moved to the middle.

Shana hired a makeup artist she often cooperates with, and the other party flew from the United States.

The rest are make-up artists who are temporarily here.

As soon as Howard sat down, he saw the students in those four schools looking at Lu Man with envious or jealous eyes.

Howard recruited a student who volunteered to help, and asked, "What's going on? What are they talking about?"

The student explained, "They are talking about Lu Man's makeup artist."

"Oh?" Howard glanced with interest. "The makeup artist Lu Man is famous?"

"Yes." Volunteer students are also proud, "She's Shi Xiaoya, she was designated by many filmmakers to put on makeup, and it can be said that it is one of the most famous makeup artists in China.

The rest of the day is even better, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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