The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1631: Who is this little girl?

Chapter 1631 Who Is This Little Girl?

On the side of the old lady and Lin Liye, the two pretended to look like Shi Xiaoya.

Especially the old lady, the performance is particularly exaggerated, "Oh! Who is this little girl? It looks very good to me."

Shen Nuo: "..."

When there are too many people, it is not easy to hear a little voice.

Xia Qingwei finally asked the question that has been curious, "The Miss Shi is--"

Shen Nuo couldn't help laughing, seeing that Shi Xiaoya's attention was attracted to the old lady, she whispered and explained to Xia Qingwei, "Listen to that, it is our Zhuo Ling who has a good opinion of Miss Shi. You know The child usually seems to have no idea, and never puts his mind on a woman. It seems that something like love is inherently non-existent to him. But my old lady and my sister-in-law are anxious. "

Xia Qingwei also shook her head and laughed. She also knew the previous marriage of Han Zhuo Ling.

Judging from the way Han Zhuo Ling handled the incident, she knew that Han Zhuo Ling was a particularly good person.

Integrity and responsibility.

It looks cold, but it's actually very emotional.

It's just that he is too restrained to show anything, so the rare thing is to let the other party see his seemingly cold appearance.

If the other person can be patient, don't retreat because of his coldness at first, but wait patiently, get along with him, and have the smart eyes, you can see the great benefits of his cold appearance.

You will find that he has so many advantages and how valuable.

Realizing that he is good, he will not be willing to let go.

If he can go further and make him fall in love with him, he will definitely get his whole heart and die.

It is fortunate that such a man can fall in love with himself.

Originally, he was not familiar with Han Zhuo Ling, nor did he know his quality.

However, because of Han Dongping's precedent, Xia Qing did not maintain a conservative attitude towards Han Zhuo Ling and did not interact much.

But from the matter of his divorce, Xia Qing did not completely change Han Zhuo Ling.

I sincerely hope that Han Zhuo Ling will be happy.

Xia Qingwei whispered, "Zhuo Ling is a good man. Previously, Xia Yixin's case was that Xia Yixin had no vision. She obviously had such a good husband but didn't know to cherish it. She let off such a good man for nothing. This also shows that she and Zhuo Ling has no fate. Probably this is another fate. If it hadn't happened before, how could Zhuo Ling like Miss Shi? "

"If you haven't divorced before, Zhuo Ling may not even look at Miss Shi even. Take a step back and wait until Zhuo Ling finally finds that she really likes a girl and finds that she likes Miss Shi, but he is married now . With Zhuo Ling's principled temperament, he would never do anything to apologize for marriage, and would rather suppress himself. I'm afraid I won't encounter anything like love in my life. "

"If Xia Yixin is good, at least Zhuo Ling can fall in love with her, that's okay. But Xia Yixin's person again--" Xia Qingwei smiled, "So, thankfully, I divorced before, otherwise now, Zhuo Ling should Embarrassed. "

Shen Nuo hadn't thought of so much at first, but after Xia Qing didn't say it, he felt so.

Figuring out what happened to Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya, they looked at the old lady together.

Mrs. Han just asked Shi Xiaoya who this little girl was, and Lin Liye followed. She looked at Shi Xiaoya with a smile and her eyes seemed to be unable to leave Shi Xiaoya.

Even better for the rest of the day ~ Good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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