The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1637: Guess Han Zhuoli would do this?

Chapter 1637 Do You Guess Han Zhuoli Will Do This?

"What about the media? They won't just say that school is not good, especially if you and Shana are the best-known in our team, they will definitely scold you together."

"You ca n’t even compete with this group of students in acting, how can you hang out in Hollywood?" Lusen pointed to the back of the auditorium. "These people are all small characters here, not known at all. One of the entertainment circles here Brother and sister, it ’s difficult to go to Hollywood. These students are about 10 Oscars away from brother and sister. As a result, if you lose to these little characters, what do you think the media will think of you? "

"Your acting skills are not as good as they are, which works will still use you?" Lusen sneered, "Oh, you can kill yourself without Han Zhuo Ling's words to you. You still feel this Does it matter if our team wins or loses? "

Howard's face changed, and finally he knew the seriousness of the matter.

But can he calm down?


Even if Lucen had said so, Howard was still thinking about his future.

As for winning or losing the game, Howard felt that even if he played well, he was better than those students.

Even if they don't play well, other teammates can kill them.

Lucen was just alarmist, and he looked down on the crowd.

Seeing Howard's reaction, where did Luson see what he was thinking?

As arrogant as Howard was, he still looked down on human nature. If it weren't for Bourbet, he would have been in Hollywood for a long time.

Probably it was because of Bourbet's relationship that Howard was conscious of his greatness, and further fueled his arrogance.

Seeing that it didn't make sense from this point, Lu Sen said in a deep voice: "If you can't listen to persuasion, then you should go to find a way now. It's not just Han Zhuoling who will trouble you."

"You only offended Shi Xiaoya before, and Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling are not necessarily related. It may be a good relationship. Maybe Han Zhuo Ling can break your future before you get there." Lu Sen warned, "While Lu Man and Han Zhuo Li are real couples. Han Zhuo Ling can directly cut off your future for Shi Xiaoya. With Han Zhuo Li and Lu Man, if you go to provoke her again at this time, you guess Han Zhuo Li will Do this? "

Howard's squinting eyes were bloodshot.

Originally, I wanted to come to find trouble, but in the end I was tormented to death.

"You think about it!" Lusen said in a deep voice. "Now, hurry up and adjust my mentality. Come on stage and perform well! If you are involved in the whole performance and other students’ acting career, then go back, I A report will definitely be given to the school! At that time, see what punishment the school will give you. "

What irritates Lucen the most is that, in this team, Shana and Howard have the best strength, so Howard is in the position of the actor.

His role is so important that once the performance is not good, it will be difficult for the entire team.

Over time, the exchange match finally officially started.

The auditorium was full of fans who came to watch, and now they are all excitedly holding their phones and zooming in to take their own idols.

Most fans in China still have a lot of fans. As for Shana's fame, most people think she is a big star, but she is not a loyal fan.

(End of this chapter)

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