The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1640: You kinda protect her

Chapter 1640: You Really Protect Her

How deep friendship?

How can students who pay for one side only pay so much?

He is not so good at acting, it makes people feel sorry for missing it.

The principal of Dongxi Opera couldn't hold his face, and the student lost his adult.

Then, I heard the host invited the students of Chinese opera.

By the time of the National Academy of Drama, the situation had finally improved, but there were still unsatisfactory things.

"You guys can see that you are working very hard," Hayer said politely. "You still have a lot of room for improvement. Don't be discouraged."

The two principals of the Donghua Theater Academy and the Film Academy shook their heads calmly, looking at President Zhang and President Liu.

For the performance of the Chinese opera, both of them have counted, and at this time, they can only say, "It is already very good."

Principal Zhang smiled bitterly, and the two principals looked at Principal Liu again. "Old Liu, you are left. Next, it is up to you, but you must fight for it!"

"Yeah," said the principal of the Donghua Theatre Academy. "Your school is lucky and there is still a long way to go, but you must win, and you are worthy of the title of the Huayi Cup."

President Liu did not like to listen to this, "A person's strength is strong, can it represent the strength of the entire team? When Lu Man participated, all the leaders and teachers of our school had already said, as long as she did her best , We can't put all the responsibilities to win on her. As the judges said just now, this is a teamwork, she is great alone, others are useless. It ’s useless. If you lose, you do n’t perform well. Can't put pressure on us. "

"You're kind of protecting her." Principal Zhang said sourly.

"I have to take care of any student in our school." Principal Liu said angrily, "If you think Lu Man alone can move an entire team, then there will be such a thing next time, let Lu Man In the past to help you, see if you can win? "

President Liu's words blocked the other two people and stopped talking.

Of course, they also know that no matter how powerful Lu Man is, it is impossible to bring an entire team.

Did n’t you say something?

Not afraid of opponents like God, but teammates like Pig.

Encountered, the great **** can't take it.

On the side of the exchange group, all the students who had finished performing came back to the competition seat and sat down.

Howard gave them a scornful look and said to Luson: "What else do you worry about at the level of these people? Even if I only have a tenth level, I can crush them."

Lucen didn't speak calmly. Although he didn't like Howard's attitude very much, even after watching the first three performances, even if Luson was waiting for it at the beginning, he paid special attention to it, for fear of any accident, he was overtaken by these schools. Settled down, he had to admit that Howard was right.

Based on the three performances just now, they really are not the opponent of their exchange group.

You can win with your eyes closed.

But Luson said: "Okay, the game is not over yet, it's hard to say, and Guodian's is not playing, don't be too relaxed."

Howard pouted, disapproving.

The closeness of the seats between the several schools naturally understood Howard's words.

They all looked at Howard angrily.

This person is too blind to be seen!

In addition to visiting the Guodian, the exchange group in New York naturally also went to three other schools.

(End of this chapter)

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