The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1644: I can think about it now

Chapter 1644: You Can Think About It Now

"At Deng Deng's level, I didn't hope at all, so I didn't even try it." Principal Liu said with a smile. "Then we had a meeting together and I conveyed the situation to the participating students. Who knows Han? Xiao suddenly came with Deng Deng, saying that Deng Deng had spared three days to rehearse for our students. "

"To be honest, even if I'm looking for another director, I think it would be good for someone to give them a day or two to teach. After all, it's impossible for people to soak in here for a week? We don't have such a big face. As a result, Deng Deng gave them three days directly. From the selection of the play, to the role determination, to the final rehearsal, Deng Diao participated in person. "Principal Liu said," This is thanks to Lu Man, if not because of Lu Man, where will Han Shao worry about such things for us? "

The other two principals thought that where President Liu was explaining it, he was simply showing off to them!

Why do you say he is so shit, there is such a student as Lu Man.

The key person Lu Man chose not Guodian at the beginning, and they chose national drama.

Guodian is the only national drama that can only come from Lu Man.

Otherwise, there is nothing for President Liu.

Thinking of this, the two principals looked at President Zhang unconsciously again.

I would like to know, every time Guodian benefits because of the long road, what is the mood of President Zhang?

What mood?

Of course it is very irritable!

Principal Zhang will be annoyed by both of them!

Since the judges praised Guodian's team just now, the two have always looked at him with a stupid look.

Of course, he knew that letting go and walking was the most wrong thing, and there was no need for these two people to remind him with their eyes!

Is he vomiting now?

Principal Liu smiled, without pressure.

Anyway, even if the result is still lost this time, it is not ugly to lose, even extremely bright.

Even if the exchange team wins, it is not easy to win, at most it is a win.

For this, President Liu is very sure.

He knew the strength of the exchange group.

Today Lu Man's performance is really good. Compared with usual, they can be said to be playing at a super level.

It is estimated that there are also reasons why Howard's group is too arrogant, which usually irritates the students.

Because I wanted to show them a lot of colors, the students were all struggling, and the spirit of hard work was about to catch up with the original college entrance examination.

Moreover, Principal Liu thought, maybe he could really win the New York Exchange Group.

After winning such an event, President Liu felt that he could think about it now.

I didn't dare to think about it before, but now that I have seen the performance of the students of Guodian, I think there are so many possibilities.

Especially before the game, Howard still tried to provoke Lu Man and Shi Xiaoya, and the whole person who was cleaned up by Han Zhuo Ling was irritable.

In this state, he can't play well.

The strength of the exchange group declined.

As your strength declines, you play extraordinarily.

Their Guodian really has a chance to win.

On the stage, after listening to the host ’s question, Deng Xu said, "I did n’t know that there was such a game. It was Han Shao who found me and asked me if I had time to teach the students. I know it ’s very good in the future. It ’s time for us to train the new generation. I am also happy to do our part for our domestic acting career. "

(End of this chapter)

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