The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1647: Visionary

Chapter 1647: Vision

"Xu Dao." Tan Xiaoyun reminded with a smile, "Invitation, we can wait until the end of the game. There are games next, but you are anxious."

I was invited to say nothing on the spot, and I was afraid that Lu Man did not agree, so I began to try to convince Lu Man.

I really want to give him time to talk, and I don't think it will be necessary to compete in the next game.

This is a stance to persuade Lu Man to sign a contract on the spot.

Tan Xiaoyun had no choice but to remind Xu Jiashan.

Besides, there is Han Zhuoli behind Lu Man.

What if Lu Man wants to go back and discuss with Han Zhuoli?

No matter what, they can't compete with Han Zhuo.

Xu Jiashan finally thought of it and patted his head, "Look at me, when I see a powerful actor, I always forget the occasion, and I want to sign someone first."

Xu Jiashan smiled. "Okay, let's talk about it slowly after the game is over. You can think carefully about the road."

"Okay." Lu Man responded with a smile.

At the guest table, the old lady said to Shen Nuo, "This director has vision!"

Shen Nuo nodded in agreement. "I have a vision. I set it up early, or I won't have the chance to find her after the long film."

"That's the long acting, that's this." The old lady gave a thumbs up. "Before she graduated, she has already attracted so many directors. When she can officially make a movie, it won't take long." After the closure, it must be fast enough to make people unable to react. Therefore, it is necessary to start early now. Otherwise, with a long ability, it will soon fly into the sky. "

Xia Qingwei was sitting next to them, even as Lu Man's mother, she was embarrassed to hear that the old lady and Shen Nuo were so exaggerated.

The mother-in-law's confidence in Lu Man may be greater than Lu Man himself.

Even though Lu Man is here, it is hard to say that Xu Jiashan didn't hurry to grasp her right now, but after thinking about it later, she had no chance to say this.

Shen Nuo nodded, and said a little bit disgustingly, "This Deng Xu can't work. He performed so well. He is the clearest director, so why not settle the heroine of the next drama in advance? No major director has the long-term vision of Xu Jiashan. "

"That's it, that's it." The old lady nodded, "No!"

Although they are sitting at the guest table, there are people around the guest table.

I heard the words of both mother-in-law.

Everyone: "..."

There are rumors that the life of Lu Man's marriage to the Han family is not as beautiful as people think.

After all, it is a Cinderella with nothing, and behind it are a bunch of superb relatives and superb things. They marry empty-handed into the top giants such as the Han family. Anyone who thinks like the top giants like the Han family should not see the road. Daughter-in-law.

At most, Han Zhuo Li likes it, but Korean parents did not agree with Han Zhuo Li.

From the things that Lu Man did before, she knew that she was very capable and thoughtful. I didn't know what method she used to attract Han Zhuoli and tied him up.

What is the relationship between Han Zhuoli and Lu Man? Is it a superficial couple, just for the hype, everyone is still guessing.

But the Han family is not satisfied with Lu Man. It seems that everyone thinks so.

Obviously there is no evidence, but I think this is common sense. How can a family like the Han family have no opinion on Lu Man?

(End of this chapter)

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