The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1663: Solve Shi Xiaoya's problem in one sentence

Chapter 1663 Solve Shi Xiaoya's Problem In One Word

Hayer asked curiously, "Who are the three people you met?"

"Can't say, it's offending people." Robert smiled cautiously.

Hayer was curious, but Robert couldn't say how to ask.

"However, Lu Man does have a peculiar charm. She was not the first one to play in the performance just now, but as soon as she comes out, her attention can't help but focus on her. As a judge, it should not be It is necessary to ignore other people's performances, but every time I go to see other people's performances, she can still clearly feel her strong sense of presence. This time, Guodian won the beauty, because of this. It is unconscious. The ground ignores the deficiencies in other people's performances, "Hayer said.

"Probably they rehearsed a lot and got a tacit understanding. There are deficiencies in the performance that they can't change in a short time. When it comes out, Lu Man can always attract the focus to her, the biggest Limits dilute other deficiencies. "Hayer shook his head and smiled." I was really shocked by Lu Man's performance and the rhythm of this play, so I couldn't react to it, and now I find their strategy. . "

"So, you should understand the problem of Lu Man's aura." Robert said, "With ease, when her classmates are performing well, she can weaken her sense of existence and highlight her partner. Supporting each other When she ca n’t get up, she can immediately attract the focus to herself. Just this, not everyone can do it. Whether it is her own strength or her own mentality. Even if she has enough strength, she is not who They can do it, and they are willing to complete others' performances. "

Hayer nodded. "This is true. Like the previous performance, the student was not strong enough and wanted to grab a show. The end result was only worse."

The two followed President Liu and his party, and their discussion did not avoid others.

There was nothing unsightly about these words.

Principal Liu and others heard it. Principal Zhang was surprised. They did not expect that their evaluation of Lu Man was so high.


Lu Man didn't know that Robert and Hayer had commented on her after they left, and they were going out to eat.

When the pedestrian arrived at the parking lot, Lu Man naturally was with Han Zhuoli.

Two old cars.

Shen Nuo also brought the driver to the car and said with a smile, "I was with Dasao when I came. Dasao, are you still with me or Zhuo Ling?"

Lin Liye said with a smile: "I'll just have a car with you, and we can still talk. Just a car with Zhuo Ling, what can I talk to him?"

"OK." Shen Nuo smiled and nodded.

Lin Liye turned around and asked Shi Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, how about you? A car with Zhuo Ling, or with us?"

Shi Xiaoya must not be with Han Zhuoli and Lu Man.

Elder, she doesn't choose, too much pressure.

Although the old lady was amiable, she was still nervous.

As for Lin Liye and Shen Nuo ...

Shi Xiaoya just looked over. When she was hesitant, Han Zhuoling said, "She followed me."

One sentence solved the problem of Shi Xiaoya.

"Okay." The old lady was afraid of Shi Xiaoya's opposition, and quickly dragged the old man into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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