The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1667: Ling Shao, you know how to chat

Chapter 1667: Ling Xiao, You Know How To Chat

Shi Xiaoya's overall low breath was too obvious, and it was spread throughout the car.

Although Han Zhuoling was driving, she still paid attention to Shi Xiaoya.

Naturally, she was keenly aware of the changes in Shi Xiaoya.

However, Han Zhuoling wanted to break his head, and frowned, but couldn't think of the reason.

"Are you okay?" Han Zhuo Ling asked directly.

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoya finally looked up, a little stupid look.

"Looks like you're suddenly low." Han Zhuo Ling took a moment to look at her while driving.

"No." Shi Xiaoyaqiang cheered up and smiled at Han Zhuo Ling, "I'm fine."

Han Zhuo Ling retracted his eyes, naturally refused to believe her, and put the matter in appreciation.

Suddenly, he changed the subject again, "This time, Qin Zigou went again? Two consecutive sessions?"

Shi Xiaoya was so confused by Han Zhuoling's jumping topic that she couldn't care less about the depression and loss in her heart.

At the beginning, I was talking about "survivor" related topics, and somehow jumped on emotional issues.

This emotional problem was just half talked about, and suddenly turned back to Survivor.

Yes, Shao Ling, you know how to chat.

"Well, he has recorded two issues in a row, and the third issue will not go. I don't know if the fourth issue will go. Anyway, Lu Dao means that a guest will not record more than two issues. The combination method guarantees the freshness of the audience. "Shi Xiaoya explained.

Lu Dongliu still knows how to keep the audience in the variety show.

No matter how popular an artist is, there will be some black powder.

There are always audiences who like to see someone but not someone.

Only the guests are arranged in a group. Although the fans do not like to watch this artist, but because they like to watch another guest, they have to bear to watch the show without dislike, and do not directly discard the show because they do not like it.

Han Zhuoling nodded. "That Cheng, this is the first time to record a show?"

Shi Xiaoya was a little weird. Why did Han Zhuo Ling hold on to Cheng?

The 18-year-old boy should have no intersection with Han Zhuo Ling.

"Huh." Shi Xiaoya nodded, "Listening to him, it seems that he will also participate in the third period. Probably the show group will usually allow guests to participate in two consecutive periods, and then stop, and then continue recording."

However, Han Zhuo Ling is an exception.

The show crew dare not treat Han Zhuo Ling with the treatment of ordinary guests.

It would be nice if he could participate, but he didn't dare to ask him how many sessions.

Moreover, Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling did not know. After the recording of the first episode, Lu Dongliu was very grateful to tell Chi Xingrui that fortunately Han Zhuo Ling would not participate in many episodes, otherwise his open-ended performance would eventually There is no suspense for the champions, but Han Zhuo Ling is right.

Now Han Zhuo Ling will not participate in too many sessions, at least the results will not pull too many other people, there is still competition suspense.

Han Zhuoling's fingertips began to tap the steering wheel again.

Shi Xiaoya felt like she had discovered a small habit of Han Zhuo Ling.

When he thinks about things, he likes to tap something at his fingertips.

Just like now, just tap on the steering wheel whenever you think about something.

Such a small gesture was a bit cute on him.

Observing his inadvertent little habit, he knew a little bit more about him, and Shi Xiaoya felt a little sweet in his heart, as if he knew something that others did not know, and knew him better than others. .

6 is more complete, it ’s more complete today, please ask for a monthly pass ~

(End of this chapter)

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