The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1669: The pan was thrown off guard

Chapter 1669: Suddenly Unprepared

Now she has a good relationship with Han Zhuo Ling, it is good to go together.

And with Han Zhuoling next to her, Shi Xiaoya felt extraordinarily practical.

Even if the journey was actually very simple, she could complete it herself, but Han Zhuo Ling's feeling was different.

Even if there were any unexpected episodes, as long as Han Zhuo Ling was next to her, she was not afraid.

Shi Xiaoya laughed happily when she heard that Han Zhuo Ling took the initiative to raise it, and nodded without hesitation.

Han Zhuoling was so happy to see Shi Xiaoya that he was so happy with such a word, and followed his smile.

After a while, they arrived at Shengyue.

Han Zhuo Ling parked the car and got off with Shi Xiaoya. When he arrived at the door, he saw that the car called by Zhuo Feng also stopped at the door.

Han Zhuofeng got out of the car and met Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

"Brother," Han Zhuofeng called. "Miss Shi."

"Hello." Shi Xiaoya greeted.

"What a coincidence, actually arrived at the door together." Han Zhuofeng smiled nervously.

Isn't it coincidental that Han Zhuo Ling said?

Han Zhuofeng walked no later than them.

"Go in." Han Zhuo Ling said, walking with Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuo Feng was on the other side of Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuofeng thought more and more wrong on the road, always felt that Han Zhuoling seemed to leave him on purpose.

He looked at Han Zhuoling silently, and then looked at Shi Xiaoya.

As he was walking, Han Zhuofeng said suddenly, "Brother, wouldn't you just pretend you couldn't see me because you were sitting in a car with Shi Xiaoya, right?"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Shi Xiaoya's heart suddenly stunned, it seemed to jump out.

She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word, her mouth opened and closed, and she trembled nervously.

Han Zhuofeng can ... but he is really joking, haha!

Han Zhuoling said without changing his face, "I haven't seen you."

Just talking to Han Zhuofeng, who was so talkative, didn't follow him in a car!

Also come as a light bulb, there is no vision at all.

"Hehe." Han Zhuofeng made it clear that he didn't believe, and looked at Han Zhuoling's face and refused to admit it, so he was angry!

The three were led by the manager to the room booked by the Han family.

The old lady and others have already arrived, but it has just arrived.

Seeing Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya came in with Han Zhuofeng, and the old lady looked at Han Zhuofeng condemnedly.

Han Zhuo Ling is with Shi Xiaoya, what is he doing?

"Zhuo Feng, did you come with your elder brother and Xiaoya?" The old lady asked.

"Where!" Speaking of this, Han Zhuofeng will talk about his grievances, "Is n’t I going to the bathroom after the game? As soon as the result comes out, you will be gone. Speaking of this, why do n’t you wait for grandma I'm leaving now? "

The old lady was a little guilty when she heard it. Can she say that because she saw Lu Man and Shi Xiaoya, did she forget her own grandson?

That must not be said.

So the old lady quickly threw the pan, "Is that so? I thought you. Mom would wait for you, so I'll go with your grandpa first!"

With your mother in hand, be a grandma. Of course, don't worry about it.

Your mother has forgotten you and still expect me to remember you?

Ha ha!

Lin Liye was caught off guard by the old lady's pan, and immediately said, "I didn't bring a car when I came. I was in a car with you."

Lin Liye thought for a while, and it was a bit unkind to sit in Shen Nuo's car and throw the pot on them.

(End of this chapter)

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