The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1671: Ear tips trembled

Chapter 1671: The Ear Tip Wakes

Shi Xiaoya looked subconsciously.

Sure enough, it was Han Zhuoli and Wang Juhuai who had been cooking for Lu Man and Xia Qing.

Neither of them need to say what they like to eat, they are very clear.

When encountering what they think is good, Lu Man and Xia Qing will also be caught for them to try.

"No--" Shi Xiaoya immediately noticed something wrong.

The two couples are husband and wife. How could she bother Han Zhuoling?

But before she could finish talking, Han Zhuo Ling had put a piece of matsutake tofu in a small dish in front of her, and noticed that she didn't eat much meat, but remembered that Shi Xiaoya liked to eat it, and then she took another lobster And steak for her.

Seeing that the bowl of Shi Xiaoyacheng Soup was also empty, she turned down the table again, turned over the Matsutake Soup, and gave her a bowl.

Han Zhuoling was very skilled in this set, and devoted himself to Shi Xiaoya, but he did not notice the surprised eyes of others.

Unconsciously, the seats were quiet.

All that was left was Han Zhuo Ling's voice for Shi Xiaoya, and then he asked in a low voice, "What else do you want to eat? Tell me. You're sorry, I'll give you a turn."

He lowered his voice, and in order to make Shi Xiaoya hear clearly, he bowed his head so close to her.

As soon as he approached, she could smell the smell of the men's perfume on him, which was particularly good, with a very charming fragrance, which was in keeping with his temperament.

Smelling, Shi Xiaoya couldn't help but feel dizzy, her heartbeat speeded up, and she burned her cheeks to her ears.

The low, moist voice followed her into her ears slowly, and the voice seemed to turn into a substance, and it was tickling her ears.

Coupled with the breath that blew into her ears as he spoke, it was as hot as if it were carrying a current.

The tip of her ears turned red, and she could not help but tremble.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed. She kept her head down and didn't dare to look at people.

As soon as Han Zhuo Ling had finished speaking, she looked down and noticed that her hot red ear tip was twitching and cute, and she could not help breathing a little more.

Eyes turned darker.

I saw Shi Xiaoya shaking her head, but she didn't dare to look at him, she said, "That's enough, a lot."

The others couldn't help but calm down, watching the interaction between them, both eyes were straight.

Is this still Han Zhuo Ling they know?

The pets and Soviets did not look at them.

In addition, they will give people food, so take care of people.

Therefore, it is not that he does not understand love, but that he has never met the right person.

Lin Liye's eyes were red with excitement, trying to control himself.

She was particularly pleased to see that Han Zhuo Ling really liked a girl who was also a good girl.

After all, Han Zhuo Ling need not be alone.

Before that failed marriage, Lin Liye always felt that he owed too much to Han Zhuo Ling.

Well now, I can finally rest assured.

Shen Nuo patted Lin Liye's shoulder quietly, and held her hand for comfort.

Lin Liye smiled, and soon returned to normal, covering up the emotional emotions, so that Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya could not see it.

Looking at Han Zhuoling's careful attention to Shi Xiaoya, I did not expect that he could have such a side.

I felt very relieved.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't even bother to pay attention to the difference between the seats, so she had to focus her attention on the meal and lower her head and bury her head in pain.

Here, Han Zhuo Ling seems to feed her addicted.

As soon as she saw that Shi Xiaoya's plate was almost empty, she started to add food to her again.

(End of this chapter)

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