The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1676: Are you still human?

Chapter 1676 Are You Still Human?

Shi Nancang thought that Shi Xiaoya was having a meal with her colleagues in the studio.

After all, there will be a lot of people in the whole room.

"Brother, are you drinking?" Shi Xiaoya quickly shifted the topic, for fear that Shi Nancang asked who she was eating with.

"Drink a little, it's okay. I don't drive, I will ask the driver to come and pick me up." Shinan Kuramoto didn't have much trouble with whom Shi Xiaoya ate with.

Because he never dreamed, Shi Xiaoya was eating with the Han family.

"That's OK, but then you have to drink less, too much and uncomfortable." Shi Xiaoya instructed.

Shi Nancang was comforted by the smoothness of his sister's relationship, happily agreed, "Relax. By the way, what time do you end? It's so late, don't go home alone, tell me when it's over, I'll send you back."

"No, aren't you partying with your friends? Where is it going to end so soon?" Shi Xiaoya said quickly, "We do n’t drink, we will leave after dinner, and soon. And I will call the company Come and pick me up, rest assured. "

"All right." Shi Nancang thought about it and said, "But you still call me when you're finished, let me know when you're home, so rest assured."

"I see!" Shi Xiaoya waved to Shi Nancang, "You go back."

As he was talking, his friends at Shi Nancang urged him.

Seeing that the door of their room was opened, and a young man came out.

Almost as old as Shi Nancang, handsome and upright, with a helpless smile on his face.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya also, she was surprised and said, "Xiao Ya is also here? Come to Nancang? Come in together."

"Brother Shen, I was eating here with my friends, and met my brother." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile.

"It's so coincidental." Shen Shi'an said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. When you are free, please invite you to dinner."

Shi Xiaoya just regarded this as a kind word, and if she didn't take it to heart, she promised without heart and lungs, "Okay."

Upon seeing Shi Nancang, he suddenly said, "Aren't you still eating with friends? I'm relieved to see you, you can go back and eat."

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya waved at them, "I will go first then, Brother Shen will see you again."

Shen Shi'an smiled and shook hands with Shi Xiaoya until Shi Xiaoya returned to the room.

Shi Nancang narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Shi'an with great vigilance. "Your boy, didn't you know my sister the first day, why did you suddenly invite her to dinner?"

Shen Shian: "..."

Oops, forget that this guy is a sister-controlled critically ill patient.

Shen Shi'an reluctantly pressed her eyebrows and said, "She used to be her little sister before. But now she's older. I found that when she smiled at me, she laughed at me."

Shi Nancang thought MMP, "I'm a friend, but you want to make my sister!"

Shen Shian: "..."

"I said how do you make things so unpleasant, what is the bubble? I have a serious feeling for your sister. If I can, I very seriously want to associate with her on the premise of marriage." Shen Shi'an said helplessly.

"My sister is still young!" Shinancang angered. "Are you still human?"

"..." Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow. "I said, your sister is 24, and she is not a minor. An adult, I like it. I want to pursue her. What is wrong? Why isn't she human?"

(End of this chapter)

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