The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1686: 1719-1720 Don't Have Caves

Chapter 1686 1719-1720 Don't Have A Hole In The Sky

Qin Zigou took them away.

It turned out that there was another door in Shi Xiaoya's studio.

Entering through this door is Qin Zigou's studio.

"Because it's a costume design, the guests must come to try on the clothes when they come. They need privacy and they can feel at ease. So when I designed this studio, my part was arranged inside, which was more hidden. Even if Xiaoya's customers come, they will not disturb each other. "Qin Zigou explained.

Entering the door, there was a feeling of being out of the air.

Unlike the busy outside, Qin Zigou's work room became quiet.

The decoration is mainly white, clean and bright.

I don't know how many actual staff there are, but now I see that there are only three people dedicated to receiving them.

It is estimated that other staff members are in another hidden office, so as to avoid crowds and make guests feel disturbed.

One person led Han Zhuoli and Lu Man to the sofa, and two others immediately brought six cups of fruit tea, three each.

"Mr. Han, Mrs. Han, these three cups are fruit teas with three flavors. From left to right, the sweetness is getting higher and higher. You two taste it, which one you like, we will give you two. The entertaining girl smiled with a proper polite smile.

The one who had brought them to sit down before, brought the Dim Sum Tower over again.

Layer by layer, there are delicate snacks.

From flower and fruit tea to dim sum, they all suit women's tastes, but men don't like them very much.

Han Zhuoli took a sip and stopped moving.

So someone brought him coffee and tea and let him choose.

Lu Man thought, probably because most of the requirements for fashion design are women.

Men's suits, like Han Zhuoli, are made by professional tailors who design suits.

He even made a special trip to Britain every year to go to the famous pick-up and find a tailor to tailor.

That shop doesn't welcome new customers, unless they are introduced by old customers, they only serve a limited number of people.

Qin Zigou's guests are mostly women.

Therefore, from the moment you come in, the decoration you see, to the service, and these refreshments are all in line with the romance of women.

After a while, Qin Zigou came out and said to them, "The wedding dress is ready. You can go in and try it out. There is a fitting room in it, and an assistant will help you."

Lu Man's dimensions were provided to Qin Zigou by Han Zhuoli.

"After the trial to see what is inappropriate, I will change it again." Qin Zigou said.

Lu Man got up, led by the staff, and went to the fitting room inside.

It is a fitting room, but considering that many evening dresses are not easy to wear and require a lot of space, the fitting room is also large, like a small separate living room.

There are sofas, tables and chairs, and all three walls are mirrors. In this way, you can see from all angles while standing there.

The two assistants came in one after the other, holding the wedding dress.

The room was bright, and Lu Man couldn't see any famous ones.

I just think that this wedding dress is indeed what she likes.

Dress the wedding dress with the help of an assistant.

There is no thick skeleton support, the skirt is its most natural look, the soft drooping, covering both feet.

A few layers of light gauze cover are on the outermost layer of the skirt, which also expands the skirt while flowing.

The back skirt has a long tail and is also covered with a translucent white tulle.

The space in the room was limited, and Lu Man didn't know how long the trailing trail was behind.

"It's just the right size," the assistant said with a smile. "Mrs. Han, do you think there are any other inappropriate sizes?"

The road moved, "No, it's just right."

"Then let's go and show Mr. Han?" The assistant said.

"Um." Lu Man looked at himself in the mirror.

Han Zhuo Li is a husband and wife for a long time, and should not be nervous about what he should do in front of him.

But now it was the first time she wore a wedding dress, and suddenly there was a kind of nervousness when she went to get her certificate for the first time.

She didn't dare to think what she would become nervous when she stood on the red carpet at the wedding in the future.

Now she was breathing nervously and deeply.

The assistant thoughtfully said, "Mrs. Han, let's wait outside first, and you'll call us when you're ready."

Intended to leave room for Lu Man, let her calm down.

"No," Lu Man said, "I'm ready."

Really, nervous with your husband.

But she just couldn't restrain the tension.

I don't know if Han Zhuoli saw her wearing a wedding dress at this time, would she like it or not?

The two assistants carried Lu Man's long skirt back and knocked on the door twice.

Another assistant helped them open the door.

Lu Man walked out with the skirt in front of him. As soon as Han Zhuoli saw Lu Man, his eyes lit up immediately.

The corners of his mouth widened uncontrollably, and finally the whole person laughed silently.

A pair of eyes stared at Lu Man tightly, except that she could not see anyone.

At this moment, Lu Man seemed to be able to see the stars from Han Zhuoli's eyes.

Han Zhuoli's feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, unable to move, only his eyes were chasing Lu Man.

After a while, he finally calmed down and immediately walked to Lu Man in three or two steps.

Lu Man was wearing a wedding dress. He didn't know what it looked like in Han Zhuoli's eyes, so he was very nervous. "Does it look good?"

"Good-looking." Han Zhuo Li looked at Lu Man nicely, and looked at her carefully.

The two assistants retreated silently, leaving plenty of room for the two.

So many noble ladies are willing to come to Qin Zigou. In addition to his outstanding design, it is also because the service here is really considerate.

Many things don't need to speak, they all know how to do it best.

Can always grasp the best measurements, leaving the most comfortable space for guests.

Not overly enthusiastic and eye-catching.

There was no one nearby, and Han Zhuoli whispered, "It looks good. I want to take you home now."

(End of this chapter)

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