The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1692: Definitely support

Chapter 1692: Certain Support

Han Zhuo Li nodded.

Lu Qi is Xia Qingyang's daughter, and has more or less inherited Xia Qingyang's ability to catch men.

But now neither of them knows that there is one more reason why Lu Qi and He Zhengbai were able to get married.

He Zhengbai needs to use Lu Qi to grasp Lu Chi completely.

Lu Qi needs to use He Zhengbai to transfer Lu Chi's funds.

The two can now be said to be tied to a boat, and no one is indispensable.

And now Lu Qiyuan is sick, go back to Luchi again.

Lu Qi cannot act as easily as when Lu Qiyuan was hospitalized.

At the same time, we must try our best to hide the problems of the accounts so that Lu Qiyuan will not discover them.

This time just because they happened to see Lu Qi and He Zhengbai, Lu Man remembered them both.

But he only glanced at him and said so few words to Han Zhuo Li, Lu Man no longer cares about them.

When returning home, Lu Man received a message from Hu Zhonghui, "Lu Man, you searched again."

"How is that?" Lu Man wondered. She hasn't attended any events recently.

"It's a match with the exchange team." Hu Zhonghui said in a hurry, "Because your play was directed by Director Deng Xu, the media originally went to Deng Xu. I want to report more about Deng Xu. But Some viewers have recorded your live performance and posted it online. The mobile recording is not very clear, but the judges' evaluation of you is very clear. "

"Whether it is Deng Xu, Xu Jiashan, or the two actors from Broadway, you all have a high opinion of you. Later, the school uploaded the full official video. The performance of all the teams became clearer. In this way, the judges You, who have been very positive, have gone on hot search. "

Hu Zhonghui said with a smile: "Look at it. Because of this, we have never been told about New York University students before, so this victory is very meaningful."

Hang up and Lu Man went to watch.

Rarely this time, most positive reviews.

"It used to be said that Lu Man relied on Han Zhuoli. Now let ’s take a look. Director Xu Jiashan's reputation has always been good, and it has always been in the drama industry. It is not close to the entertainment industry and does not rely on Han Bang. Han Bang's face? Besides, two other actors from Broadway need to look at Han Bang's face? Just kidding! Is it so difficult to admit that Lu Man is excellent? "

“I watched the full video again, and even if I did n’t take a closer look, I can see that Guodian ’s performance is better. And after listening to the judges and director Deng Xu ’s evaluation, I went back and watched Lu Man ’s performance again. I found it was really like this. On the second pass, I still could n’t help but always focused on Lu Man. So the third time, I reminded myself not to watch Lu Man all the time, even if it was a drama. When I was on Lu Man, I also went to see other students and found that, as the judges said, when Lu Man repeatedly grabbed attention, it was when her classmates were unable to perform. "

"Lu Man can be said to set out for the big picture. When it is time to let it go, it can also accurately catch the opponent's lack of opportunity to make up for the distraction of the audience. Even if I am just an ordinary audience, I have not learned Acting, and I know it should be difficult. "

"When is Lu Man going to play a drama? I must buy a ticket to support it."

(End of this chapter)

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