The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1694: Not good for you

Chapter 1694: Not Good For You

"Basically, Xu Jiashan's drama is difficult for newcomers to enter. It is much stronger than your class in school. Although the school does not allow you to go out to pick up the show before your junior year. But at that time you and Zhang Xiaoying were in trouble. I I also said that if it is really a rare opportunity, the school will not obstruct the rare opportunity for students. "Principal Liu said," You can rest assured, if anyone has questions, I will come forward and say. "

Lu Man thanked him, hung up the phone, and gave Xu Jiashan a reply.

The two agreed to go to Xu Jiashan's troupe on Monday to determine the role and role weight.

Xu Jiashan's plays are on a national tour.

Schedule a few shows in selected cities.

Not only because the story is good-looking, but also because it is rare to be able to watch the performances of well-known actors in such a close range, so every game is full, and it is time and space at the time of pre-sale.


The next day is Monday.

Lu Man went to the troupe to meet Xu Jiashan at the agreed time.

When he arrived at Xu Jiashan's office, Xu Jiashan showed the script to Lu Man.

"This is not the final script, and it needs to be polished and revised. So after the role is determined, the official rehearsal will start around the end of the month. Before the Spring Festival, now City B will perform its premiere, determine the audience's reaction, and go after the Spring Festival Touring everywhere. "Xu Jiashan said," I have selected a few characters for you. You have high plasticity, and there is no suitable one to talk about. I looked at them. There are three roles for you to play. The effect is the best. You see Look at these three, which one are you more interested in. "

"The roles of these three characters are similar, not the protagonist, probably the position of No. 2 or No. 3. It's hard to say now, because the script will eventually have to be changed." Xu Jiashan explained, "I trust your acting skills, and also I appreciate it. But after all, you are a newcomer. I am not willing to give you too much drama. I am too afraid to give you too many old qualifications. They are not willing to be reconciled, which is not a good thing for you. "

Lu Man nodded, "I understand. In fact, when I promised you, I never thought I would play multiple roles, including the second and third. I said to our principal, as our principal said. It is already a rare opportunity to come and participate in the performance of your drama. I came here to learn. It does n’t matter if the play is heavy. ”

Xu Jiashan laughed: "Although you say so, I can't waste your talent. Mainly you are a newcomer. Although you have had stage experience before, they are all 20-minute short plays. I have never tried this kind of serious. The complete drama behind the scenes has little experience. So I don't dare to arrange too much drama for you from the beginning. Once you are familiar with the way the drama is performed, you can challenge higher roles. "

Xu Jiashan gave a meal and laughed: "But at your level, I believe that you will be promoted quickly in the entertainment industry. At that time, a group of people waving the script to find you acting, you are too busy to come to the opportunity to participate in the drama Not much. "

"In my opinion, drama is a special way to exercise acting." Lu Man said, "It is too early to say in the future, but if I have such a busy day, even if I am busy, I will take the time to participate in the drama . "

"Ha ha ha ha, that's enough for you." Xu Jiashan told Lu Man in detail.

6 more comprehensive.

Tomorrow will progress to Ling Shao and Xiao Ya's timeline. Those who do not like to watch them can be skipped.

Every time I read about Ling Shao and Xiao Ya, some people in the comments said that they wanted to see Lu Man, and they wrote too much of Ling Shao. And when I write about Han Shao and Lu Man, someone will say that they want to see Ling Shao and Xiao Ya.

I want to say that I wrote it according to the timeline. If Ling Shao and Xiao Ya are placed separately on Fanwai, then Fanwai's timeline will return to the present, and the timeline of the main text will reappear, which is easy to be confused. I wrote along the timeline. When there was nothing on Lu Man, it happened to be Ling Shao and Xiao Ya. When there was nothing on their side, there was another thing on Lu Man. The time line was all filled up. . Rather than wait until Fanwai, go back to a few years ago and go through it again.

This is the reason I wrote this, I have said it before, but it seems that many people choose to ignore my explanation.

It's hard to tune everything. What you like, others do n’t like, others like, you do n’t like, this is nothing. So what the comment says is who I want to see, I ignore it, and write only at my own pace and pace, hoping to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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