The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1703: No card

Chapter 1703: No Card

Lin Liye: "..."

She had to let Han Zhuo Ling in again and urged him, "Hurry up, don't let Xiaoya wait."

Han Zhuo Ling took the car key and luggage, determined that the mobile phone was in his pocket, and said, "Relax, you can't run away."

Lin Liye sent Han Zhuoling out of the house with great joy.

Han Zhuoling drove to Shi Xiaoya's house.

But he was stopped at the elevator door.

Because he has no card, he can't go up.

Han Zhuo Ling thought of the previous time when Shi Nancang came, but swiped up directly, unimpeded.

Han Zhuoling felt a little dull in his heart, and he gave a deep snoring, and immediately called Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya has prepared all the ingredients for breakfast, and can only wait for Han Zhuo Ling to come.

At this time, I received a call from Han Zhuo Ling.

"Ling Shao." Shi Xiaoya exclaimed, her heartbeat was already much faster before she saw anyone.

"I'm at the elevator door, but I can't get on without a card," Han Zhuo Ling said on the phone.

"Oh, I'll go down and pick you up," Shi Xiaoya said immediately, "wait a minute!"

Hanging up the phone, she patted her forehead, how to forget this stubble.

Shi Xiaoya took the card and hurried down the stairs.

Han Zhuoling was waiting at the elevator door, wondering how to ask Shi Xiaoya to get a card.

I was a little bit dreamy until the elevator "dang" sounded and slowly opened.

Shi Xiaoya appeared in front of him like this.

Obviously she wears casual clothes.

A loose white lapel sweater and a pair of light blue and white jeans.

Because of the rush, I didn't have time to change my shoes, so I came out wearing slippers.

In this casual dress, Han Zhuo Ling felt very beautiful.

The furry lapel was thick and thick, covering her chin a little, and her skin tone was as white as snow.

"Ling Shao." Shi Xiaoya cried, "I'm sorry, I forgot you don't have a card."

Han Zhuo Ling nodded and walked quickly into the elevator.

He frowned and asked disapprovingly, "How come out so little?"

This body, although beautiful in the eyes of Han Zhuo Ling, but it is already winter, wearing so little out, too cold.

Moreover, her slippers were still bare-toed.

The five heads of the white toes are elementary school students hiding in the slippers in the same line as the tall and short ones, exposing the pink toenails.

Winter shoes are thick so I can't see them. Now Han Zhuo Ling knows that she even dyed pink toenails, which is very delicate.

The eyes look like pink pearls.

Shi Xiaoya wasn't sure if Han Zhuoling was looking at her feet.

But when he looked down, she shrank her toes subconsciously.

Han Zhuo Ling's black eyes deepened, and he saw that half of the pearl-like toes were now hiding in the slippers, and the remaining half was exposed, as if hiding from him.

Shi Xiaoya swallowed and said, "I was thinking that I was indoors anyway, and just came out for a while without wearing a coat."

"Why is that foot showing?" Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "If your feet are cold, it will be bad for your body."

It turned out that he just looked at her feet just because of this.

Shi Xiaoya thought.

"Because there is heating in the home, it is very hot, so I got this toe slipper, and when I rushed out, I didn't care about changing it." Shi Xiaoya explained.

"I'm just waiting here, but not in a hurry. What are you anxious for?" Han Zhuoling said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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