The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1714: actually

Chapter 1714

"Do you like snow very much?" Han Zhuoling asked suddenly when she saw her stepping on the snow.

"Well, yeah, I think it's fun." Shi Xiaoya said, "I don't need to use an umbrella like the rain, the snowflakes fall on my hair, my shoulders are still there, and they look great. I like it's snowing, on the ground. When it's snowing again, it's soft and fun to step on. "

"When I went to Manchu City before, the snow over there was thick and thick, it was too cold and I couldn't stay outside for a long time." Shi Xiaoya said with regret, "I was wearing a hat and wearing earmuffs , Wearing special thick gloves on his hands, down jackets are all directly to the ankle, like a quilt directly wrapped, the movement is not very convenient, especially awkward. It is still so cold, so there is not much mood Playing with snow. "

"Probably the relationship between scarcity and value. There is not so much snow in city B, and it is not so thick, so I will be very happy next time." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile.

The road from Ning City to the county seat is actually not very easy.

Although the county seat is very close to the fortress, it is a must-go place for tourism.

As a result, highways have also been repaired, but they are not yet available.

Provincial roads can only be used, and sometimes pass through villages.

Some roads are bumpy.

Shi Xiaoya was shaken left and right, and embarrassed to lean on Han Zhuo Ling's body, she tried to hide over the window.

As a result, the shoulder was always bumped against the window.

Fortunately, it is thick to wear in winter and it doesn't hurt that much.

But always bumping up, still quite uncomfortable.

When Shi Xiaoya hit another window next to her, there was no expected pain in her shoulder.

Instead, the shoulder bumped into the warmth.

She turned to look, but Han Zhuo Ling didn't know when to reach out his hand, blocking the window.

So when she bumped into it, her shoulder just hit Han Zhuoling's palm, and he was held warmly.

Immediately after, Han Zhuo Ling's voice came to his ears, "How can I always hit the window."

Shi Xiaoya said to her, Isn't this embarrassing to hit him?

At this moment, after passing through a speed bump, a bump suddenly occurred, and Shi Xiaoya almost jumped up.

Fortunately, Han Zhuo Ling's shoulder was firmly held, Shi Xiaoya was okay.

However, she found that she was almost in his arms without knowing it.

After the bumps passed, and he re-entered the normal highway, Han Zhuoling let go of Shi Xiaoya, "Are you okay?"

Shi Xiaoya nodded, suddenly feeling hot, and wanted to take off her coat.

After Han Zhuoling let go of her, her fingers secretly twisted her palms for a while, holding her shoulder for a long time.

Finally, they arrived at the hotel in the county seat.

Although the county town is not prosperous, but because it is a must pass to the fortress, there are many hotels and there are many high-end hotels to provide.

The program group booked a five star, which looks good.

They got out of the car and took off their luggage in the beginning of the year, and a waiter came over to pick up their luggage.

Into the hotel lobby, the show team specially assigned staff to wait here, and every guest came quickly to receive.

After walking deeper into the hotel lobby, I saw the table of the show crew standing there.

There is also a sign on it that says "Survivor".

When they saw Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, the staff immediately greeted them.

"Ling Shao, Xiaoya." Shi Xiaoya saw that the staff came to Yu Zhenzhen who was quite familiar with her.

(End of this chapter)

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