The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1720: So nervous

Chapter 1720: So Tense

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling nodded. "You don't need to worry."

Shi Xiaoya smiled and quickly went back to change clothes.

About two or three minutes later, she came out with Guo Yujie, and she was very fast.

Han Zhuo Ling noticed that she was going to meet someone with her face. It was good.

It's because she's so beautiful, but others don't have her courage.

The show group's supper is set in the hotel, holding a small banquet hall with six round tables, enough for the guests of the show group and the staff here.

The big screen in front will show the first episode.

The crew of the show, including Lu Dongliu and Chi Xingrui, have already got them early.

Han Zhuoling and Lu Man came in, and saw the ones sitting at the front table, including Cheng He, Liu Chuanhui, Cao Jingchen, and Zhang Xiangyou, a fresh little red meat.

It seems most of them are here except Han Zhuo Ling.

Shi Xiaoya counted, and with Han Zhuo Ling, there were a total of five people present, one less.

When everyone saw Han Zhuoling coming, everyone stood up.

"Ling Shao, I didn't expect you to participate in this issue." Liu Chuanhui said with a smile.

"Now that we have agreed to the show group, we have to record everything we should record." Han Zhuo Ling said.

The others greeted Han Zhuo Ling one after another, and Han Zhuo Ling saw Cao Jingchen also, "King Chen also participated in this show?"

"I have a new movie to come up to promote the new movie, so I came to participate in this issue, not permanent." Cao Jingchen explained with a smile.

Many artists will be temporarily added to promote upcoming movies and TV shows.

Just like Cao Jingchen, only participate in this period and still participate in the ranking of points, but it will probably be at the bottom.

"Some people, please sit down," Han Zhuoling said.

This group is all the main creators, from guests to directors.

Shi Xiaoya didn't want to sit at this table, it was too eye-catching.

After all, she's a makeup artist here.

Shi Xiaoya took a look. The other makeup artists were sitting at another table by themselves.

Shi Xiaoya said to them, "Let's go with some makeup artists."

Including her early years, she was also chatting with several makeup artists there.

Han Zhuo Ling just wanted to speak, Shi Xiaoya had taken Guo Yujie away.

Han Zhuo Ling frowned slightly, knowing why she wanted to sit with her, but also had to respect her thoughts.

Seeing Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie went to the makeup artist's table.

Yuan Yina is not here. The first phase is a make-up artist temporarily replaced by the show crew.

Later, I thought it was pretty good, only applying makeup to male artists, the requirements were not as high as female artists.

If you find another one temporarily, it is difficult to cooperate in time. After all, their other makeup artists have contacted in advance, and they confirmed that there was no problem in the schedule before they joined the group.

Therefore, they directly used the crew's own makeup artist.

In order to avoid the discomfort of some guests, they also negotiated deliberately and felt that it was okay to use her.

Shi Xiaoya came over to sit down, just happened to be sitting with Hong Qiaoxian, and she was opposite the show group's own makeup artist, Liu Enxiao.

"Sister Xiaoya." Hong Qiaoxian called cleverly.

Shi Xiaoya greeted them one by one.

Shi Feng glanced at the time on the phone and said, "It will start in 10 minutes. Not to mention, although the performance of the show has nothing to do with me, we are responsible for putting makeup on the guests. But how can I So nervous about it? "

"Since we are involved, of course, we also hope that the performances of the participating programs will be good." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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