The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1724: I am a little social, but I do n’t talk much

Chapter 1724 I Ling Xiao Society, People Are Not Cruel

"Xiaobian, Xiaobian, why did you invite Han Zhuoling?"

The editor said haha, "Haha, you have to ask our director, all the guests he contacted."

"Wow, there is also Qin Zigou in the first issue. I didn't expect him to participate in a variety show. Many people on this show are the first show of variety shows!"

From the feedback of Weibo netizens, everyone's first impression of the show was pretty good.

The show officially started, and the tiny editor of the show team has always paid attention to the reactions of Weibo Internet users.

On the screen, the picture appears when the sky is not bright in the morning.

Lu Dongliu and the photographer knocked on the guest's door one by one.

"Calling the guests out of their sleep, so that the audience can see the most authentic appearance of the guests in private. The show team is too hard to be beaten by the guests."

"Zhang Jian's dark circles are so heavy. He didn't rest well, so he must rest well, don't get too tired."

"When Teacher Liu Chuanhui opened her eyes, she looked so cute."

"Hahaha, this group of people persuaded, none of them dared to call Han Zhuoling. It turned out that even the guests were afraid of Han Dasha, hahahahaha."

"Hurry to Han Zhuo Ling's room. I really want to see how he sleeps. I want to lick the screen!"

"An Han Zhuo Ling is best to have the habit of sleeping naked, even naked. Upper body is OK!"

"Welfare, welfare!"

Han Zhuo Ling ’s fans on Weibo also told each other, "Everyone go to" Survivor "and take a picture of Ling Shao, Ling Shao is sleeping. I will soon see Ling Shao, a sleeping beauty, and it is not too late Look at it! "

The door opened, but saw that Han Zhuo Ling was already neatly dressed and was working.

"I'm going! Ling Shao 666! The routine of the show group is the way you have traveled long ago."

"While others are still sleeping, you have already risen to work and look better and richer than me, but work harder than me."

"It shows more than four o'clock in the morning. I'm still sleeping at this time. I never saw the sun at four or five in the morning."

"The show team started badly in the first battle and was given Ko by Ling Shao."

With the development of the program step by step, Han Zhuoling seems to be hanging out of ordinary existence.

Because he didn't talk much most of the time, and often when he talked about the scene, actually Shi Xiaoya and the director who followed him asked him questions. Han Zhuoli replied, and later cut off the voice of Shi Xiaoya and the director.

It became Han Han Zhuo Ling explaining his behavior to the screen.

"Unfortunately, I'm a little social, I don't talk much about people, IQ is 280, hahahaha!"

"Qin Zigou and Lin Yantao are so miserable that they can only hold Ling Shao's thigh if they can't solve the clue."

"The show crew is too cruel, the topic given is too difficult, and the guests are too tortured."

When the show ended, the next preview was released.

The next episode is the content shot on the second day of the first episode.

Due to time, the program group divided one episode into two episodes to play.

The audience was still watching, "It looks good! It's rare to have such an unusual variety show. And the funding of the program group has been burning, so rich!"

"That must be. This program is sponsored by Han Bang. Han Bang has invested a lot in it. It can be said that it has made a pretty big bet. After all, this program is new and it is the first time in China. Can it be successful? Before the broadcast, no one knew, but Han Bang was able to invest in such a large amount.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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