The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1732: You are not this kind of person

Chapter 1732: You Are Not Such A Person

Guo Yujie hid in the quilt, his voice came out weakly, "Xiaoya, why don't you go out and talk to Ling Shao? I want to sleep."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Have such an assistant?

Han Zhuo Ling hooked his lips.

This assist is a bit great.

Shi Xiaoya had to pull out the card inserted in the card slot behind the door, otherwise Guo Yujie would have to bother to come down and open the door for a while.

As a result, she came out, but Han Zhuo Ling did not give in.

Shi Xiaoya's back was firmly against the door, just like that, she was about to touch Han Zhuoling's chest in front of her.

"Ling ... Ling Shao ..." Shi Xiaoya exclaimed nervously, afraid to breathe.

"Have you been watching just now?" Han Zhuoling looked at her with a smile.

Seeing a woman coming to him, she still had the heart to watch the excitement?

Conscienceless girl!

"No ... no ..." Shi Xiaoya said guilty, "I'm just curious ..."

"What are you curious about? Will I let her in?" Han Zhuo Ling asked, raising an eyebrow.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"Speaking of it, everyone else must have heard the voice, but I was afraid of embarrassment in the future and no one came out. Why did you open the door? Not afraid to be seen by Jiang Yuhan, which will affect your work in the future?" Han Zhuo Ling asked her.

"I didn't have a good relationship with her at first." Shi Xiaoya thought that Jiang Yuhan had taken the initiative to come to Han Zhuo Ling's bed, and it was even better to mention Jiang Yuhan. "I said it in front of her before, and I will She wo n’t take her job. So it does n’t matter that she does n’t see me. ”

"Did you two have a bad time?" Han Zhuo Ling frowned.

"It's nothing," Shi Xiaoya said simply. "It's just a bad temper to deliberately find fault, I'm not used to it."

"So, why did you open the door and peek?" Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head and approached, "Because the two of you were unhappy before, you opened the door to see, or because of something else?"

Shi Xiaoya moved her lips.

Of course it was because of him.

It was unpleasant before, she didn't take it seriously.

When I opened the door, I never even remembered it.

Han Zhuoling looked at her response and asked, "What if you invited her in just now?"

how about it?

Of course, with him, without a break, no friends can do it!

Since she likes him, if you see him with others, then to be friends with him will only torture herself.

"You won't." Shi Xiaoya suddenly looked up, looking directly into Han Zhuo Ling's eyes.

I was nervous just now and never dared to look at him.

But now he has the courage because of his problem.

In order to prove that she was telling the truth, she just stared at him.

"I know you won't, you're not this kind of person." Shi Xiaoya said, "If you think, countless female artists have come to you. But none of them."

In fact, she would open the door to see the excitement without thinking about it, but she actually trusted him.

I knew in my heart that he would not let Jiang Yuhan in. He was not the kind who dealt with the relationship between men and women easily and casually.

He is upright, decent, serious, and self-confident.

It is because of this in my heart that we can come and peek without pressure.

She wouldn't dare to look at it even if she was so uncertain.

I'm afraid that as a result, I can't bear it, I might as well be an ostrich.

"How do you know I haven't accepted any of them?" Han Zhuoring chuckled. "You didn't know me before."

8 is more complete, ask for a monthly pass, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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