The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1734: Look at you

Chapter 1734: Look At You

Having said that, I took the room card in Shi Xiaoya's hand, opened the door for her dull, and pushed her into the room. "Go in."

Shi Xiaoya was staggered into the door, waited for the door to close, and returned to the world.

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya!" Guo Yujie told her that she didn't respond for a long time, she just shook her, and finally she poemed Xiaoya back to God.

"What's the matter with you? Just been blamed by Ling Shao outside?" Guo Yujie was surprised. It didn't look like Shi Xiaoya.

Besides, is Han Zhuo Ling willing to blame Shi Xiaoya?

Shi Xiaoya didn't speak, just shook her head.

She was still nervous and speechless.

"Why are you blushing so much?" Guo Yujie stared at Shi Xiaoya strangely.

Shi Xiaoya covered her face. "Yes ... is it?"

She quickly climbed onto the bed and pulled the quilt high. "Have a rest."

"Oh." Guo Yujie also went to bed, lying on his side, facing Shi Xiaoya.

Across the aisle, I suddenly asked, "Isn't Ling Ling kissing you just now?"

"No!" Shi Xiaoya Yakou denied, "No! You don't have to guess blindly. It's just ... I'm sorry to be caught by him."

"Okay, okay." Shi Xiaoya yawned, "But I'm stuck, good night. I have to inquire about tomorrow morning, what is the result of Jiang Yuhan."


"I don't want Jiang Yuhan to continue to participate in tomorrow's recording."

Lu Dongliu and Chi Xingrui entered Han Zhuo Ling's room and told Han Zhuo Ling that Jiang Yuhan had been sent back, and she would not bother again.

Han Zhuoling said such a sentence coldly.

"This ..." Lu Dongliu stiffly said, "Ling Shao, I don't want to protect Jiang Yuhan. If you say this one day earlier, I must say nothing, and immediately ask her to leave, no matter what you think, you must recruit Personally come over for her. But it will be filmed early tomorrow morning. Who can have this schedule to cooperate with our program group in the middle of the night? "

"Even if I did find it, I couldn't catch it overnight." Lu Dongliu said embarrassedly. "Unless ... unless this program is postponed, I will shoot next week ..."

Han Zhuo Ling rubbed his thumb with the edge of the first knuckle of his right middle finger. A thin piece of cocoon formed because he often held the pen. "I must let her roll. I don't want to see her again because the woman is disgusting."

"Your show is on fire, and she is also on fire, and I will be very upset. Send her away this time, and never want to appear in the entertainment industry again. In this case, don't let her return before the withdrawal There is a chance for fire. "Han Zhuo Ling said coldly.

Seeing that Han Zhuo Ling had made up his mind, Lu Dongliu couldn't help it. "Okay, if you really can't find a replacement guest, then we go back to discuss and turn this period into five guests and readjust tomorrow's plan. "

"It doesn't have to be." Han Zhuoling rubbed his thumb on the thin cocoon on the middle knuckle, and said lightly, "there is a ready-made person in the program group who can replace her."

"Ah?" Neither Lu Dongliu nor Chi Xingrui responded.

Chi Jirui asked, "Who?"

Lu Dongliu thought about it, but he didn't expect anyone in the show group to be suitable.

Han Zhuo Ling said, "Shi Xiaoya."

Lu Dongliu: "..."

Chi Xingrui: "..."

If you want to put your girlfriend in the show group, just say, look at you.

However, they never really thought about Shi Xiaoya.

But now that Han Zhuo Ling mentioned, Lu Dongliu felt that it was feasible.

(End of this chapter)

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