The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1750: Look down on IQ

Chapter 1750: Whose IQ To Look Down On

"So there may be other tasks that are related to other tasks, or they are related to physical strength, or to brainpower." Han Zhuo Ling said.

The director finally couldn't help talking, "Ling Shao, let's talk first, our show team didn't give you a question!"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

He looked back at the director.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to cut in the later period. If your words really come out, the audience thinks we've given you some questions." The director explained.

"Does this still require you to give me some insight?" Han Zhuo Ling said, "Ignore who IQ is."


Okay, you are the smartest.

Finally, they met in the second room again.

The concierge said, "Congratulations on your passing through the earth gate just now. As long as you pass through this room, you can pass through here completely and reach the exit."

"The problem in the second room is here with me," said the gatekeeper in a modern outfit. "After you enter the room, choose something that does not belong to the room and give it to the gatekeeper at the exit. Choose correctly You can pass. If you make a mistake, you will have to go back to the fork in the road, go to the gate of heaven, and clear the customs again. "

If it fails, everything starts again, and listening to it is a very frustrating thing.

Han Zhuo Ling nodded and asked the gatekeeper, "There is only one item, can we both pass at the same time?"

"No, you have to choose the same one by yourself," said the gatekeeper. "Choose the wrong person and go back to customs."

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling nodded.

Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuoling in surprise. What would he do?

"Go in." Han Zhuo Ling said to Shi Xiaoya.

The two went in together, and Shi Xiaoya said, "Anyway, I will definitely lose. I'll go back and choose the gate of heaven."

"Do you dare go home?" Han Zhuo Ling asked her.

"It should be okay. I'm a bit accustomed to the environment here, and it's filming, as long as I tell myself that everything is fake," Shi Xiaoya said.

"Even if you return to the gate of heaven, you may not be able to pass." Han Zhuoling straightened his heart.

"..." Shi Xiaoya said in his heart that you can't be so upright, "It would be nice to eliminate me. It is because I am not good enough and I am not as good as a person."

Han Zhuoling shook his head, "No need."

He looked around. On the table, on the shelf, there were decorative ornaments such as blue and white porcelain, and there were pictures hanging on the wall.

But at a glance, Han Zhuo Ling knew that they were all imitations.

The real thing naturally cannot be placed in such an environment for them to make a show.

Han Zhuo Ling went to take down a painting and gave it to Shi Xiaoya, "You hold this."

He took one at will.

"You ... are you trying to give me the correct answer?" Shi Xiaoya saw what Han Zhuo Ling was doing, and didn't understand anything.

Besides, this man will never hold the correct answer by himself, but leave her alone.

"From blue-and-white porcelain to calligraphy and painting, these are only available since the Tang Dynasty. Only you have this one, the real thing is from the Han Dynasty." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Let's go out and give this to the gatekeeper. I'll go back to Heaven's Gate and clear the gate. "

"No!" Shi Xiaoya said immediately, "This is the answer you found on your own, and you can't let it to me. It's because I'm not good enough, and I'll be eliminated. If it weren't for walking with me, you would have passed the customs already. "How can I still let you go back and re-clear because I waste time?"

6 more complete, ask for a monthly pass ~~ Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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